【电大代做】国家开放大学学习网 yingyu3 网上在线形考作业

For what does John go to see Mrs. Smith?
a. He wants to get interviewed for a job there.

b. He wants to ask for advice about how to write an application letter.

c. He wants to ask for advice about how to prepare for an interview.

d. He wants to pay her a visit.

According to Mrs. Smith, what can be included in the application letter?
a. The source of the job vacancy information.

b. Details of your school study and interests relevant to the job.

c. Your time available for the interview.

d. All of the above.

What does John do now?
a. He is working for the Liverpool Echo.

b. He is a sophomore.

c. He is a junior student.

d. He is a part-time journalist.

The sentence “At least it will help you to the interview stage, I think.” means __________.
a. It is useful for your preparation for the interview.

b. It will help you have a successful interview at least.

c. You will at least show up for an interview if you include all those useful information in your application letter.

d. If you follow my suggestions, you will succeed in finding a job.

This passage mainly tells us __________.
a. the author and her brother used to like stamps very much

b. the author had a very kind mother

c. the author and her brother had got an unforgettable experience in collecting stamps

d. their mother used to support them by working in the post office

Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn’t tell us why. Do you think why she did that?
a. She wanted to give them a surprise.

b. She doubted if she would get the stamps.

c. She forgot to do that.

d. She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.

According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office ________.
a. during the week

b. on Saturdays

c. on Sundays

d. for six days

What is the best title for this passage?
a. My Childhood

b. My Mother

c. A Precious Stamp

d. A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps

What does the sentence “We were over the moon.” mean?
a. We jumped high.

b. We were extremely happy about it.

c. We watched the moon for a long time.

d. We couldn’t sleep the whole night.

I ____________ a good film on TV at the moment.
a. watch

b. am watching

Be quiet! Someone ___________.
a. is coming

b. comes

He’s not German. He __________ from Switzerland(瑞典).
a. is coming

b. comes

I _____________ my new job.
a. am not liking

b. don’t like

They _________ four languages very well.
a. are speaking

b. speak

_______________ to go out tonight?
a. Does he want

b. Is he wanting

The dog / hate / to have / a bath.


They / hate / to begin / a new term at school.


She / quite like / to wear / designer(s’) clothes.

She / love / to do / puzzles.


He / be keen on / to come / to my house for dinner.


I / loathe / to run / at the gym.


While he 回答 (mend) the car, the police (arrive).

They 回答 (talk) in French, so we (not/understand) them.

He 回答 (not/hear) them because the children (make) too much noise (噪音).

They 回答 (shout) to him while he (cross) the road.

We 回答 (think) about Peter when we (get) a phone call (电话) from him.

When I 回答 (see) the accident, I (stand) by the door.

He 回答 (not/look) when the car (hit)him.

She 回答 (make) him a coffee while he (watch) TV.

Angela began by working in Paris. Angela had a job in a cosmetics company. (where)


Angela liked London. Angela’s brother lived there. (because)


Angela enjoyed the job. Angela left the job. Angela felt she was not paid enough. (but, because)


Angela had enough experience. She decided to set up her own company. (and)


Angela now works in London and Paris. She has a team of 60 people. The team are French and English. (with, who)


Then Angela found another job. The job had very good prospects. (with)


According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she _________.
a. got an illness

b. was very queer

c. didn’t look like the author

d. was very outgoing

What does “take after” mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?
a. look after

b. be different from

c. look like

d. love

It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is ___________.
a. part of a man’s responsibility

b. mainly a woman’s responsibility

c. really enjoyable

d. his advantage

From the passage, we can see the author’s description of his daughter is ___________.
a. negative

b. humorous

c. critical

d. affectionate

My daughter and I have little in common in terms of ___________.
a. loving walking and talking

b. appearance

c. loving animals

d. character

Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas?
a. Because she had to work there.

b. Because she didn’t like the old place at all.

c. Because her house in the downtown area was knocked down.

d. Because she wanted to move to the countryside.

What did she know so many people?
a. Because she was easy going.

b. Because they were either her relatives or schoolmates

c. Because she worked nearby

d. Because she was good at making friends with people

When she got married, she lived ________.
a. together with her parents all the time

b. alone all the time

c. far away from her parents’ house

d. together with her parents for some time

What does this passage mainly deal with?
a. What the extended family is like.

b. The relationship between Mrs Sharp and her neighbour.

c. How Mrs Sharp brings her children up.

d. What Mrs Sharp’s life is like in the “new town”.

The sentence “I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose into our business.” in the last Para. means __________.
a. I had one neighbour who was always warm-hearted

b. I had one neighbour who was always ready to help us

c. I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs

d. None of the above

I a _ _ _ _ _ (羡慕) him for his skill.

Her parents want her to m _ _ _ _ (结婚) a rich man.

The a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (当局) should stop them doing that.

Would you like some f _ _ _ _ (带汽泡的) drinks?

He was a very a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (擅长艺术的) man.

They are c _ _ _ _ (残酷的) to animals.

What did the doctor d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (诊断) him as?

They are going to d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (拆毁) that old factory.

I hope we’ll be friends f _ _ _ _ _ _ (永远).

I was a little c _ _ _ _ (恼火的) when he played the computer games.

A ___ is an event held in a park at which people pay to ride on various machines for fun.

A ____ is a place where goods are bought and sold.

If you ____ with someone, you talk other people.

If you ___ time doing something, you use your time doing it.

A ____ is a farm animal that is about the size of a sheep.

A __ person doesn’t get angry easily.

Someone who is ___ has a natural ability and interest in music.

A __ is a person who has a particular skill.

The ___ is the unit of money which is used in Britain.

If someone is 回答, they are firm in their friendship.

The teacher told__ for being late for class.
a. off me

b. me out

c. me off

d. me away

My old friend called__ me last week.
a. up on

b. in on

c. up

d. in for

They plan to set ____ the Great Wall at six o’clock.
a. out to

b. out up

c. out on

d. out for

Students all looked __ their mathematics teacher.
a. up for

b. up to

c. up on

d. for to

He always keeps __ me how to do the job.
a. telling

b. to tell

c. tell

d. told

They __ for nearly three years.
a. married

b. marry

c. are married

d. have been married

Will you __ us to the theatre?
a. go along

b. come over

c. come along with

d. come over with

When I saw her first time, I __ her.
a. was in love

b. fell in love with

c. was in love for

d. fell love with

What has __ to your car?
a. happened

b. taken place

c. take place

d. happen

I can’t put __ the noisy people outside.
a. on with

b. up for

c. up with

d. up on

“Where were you born? “

“I was born in Scotland, but I 回答 in London.”

“The boss is angry about your last report.”

“Don’t worry – I can 回答 him.”

“You play the piano beautifully.”

“Thank you. I 回答 my mother. She is a professional musician.”

“Why is your son crying?”

“He was naughty and I 回答 (him).”

“Why are you giving that wallet to the police?”

“My parents 回答 (me) to be honest.”

“Are you close to your grandparents?”

“Yes, they 回答 me after my parents died.”

She’s going to bring her children up to be honest and loyal.
a. She’s going to send her children to school to learn to be honest and loyal.

b. She’s going to teach her children to be honest and loyal.

When she grew up a bit, we spent a lot of time together.
a. When she became older, we spent a lot of time together.

b. When she became taller, we spent a lot of time together.

I am not very good at looking after children.
a. I am not very good at talking to children.

b. I am not very good at caring for children.

My wife took care of her.
a. My wife taught her.

b. My wife cared for her.

I don’t ever remember telling her off.
a. I don’t ever remember telling her she was being naughty.

b. I don’t remember advising her what to do.

She takes after her mother.
a. She does the same job as her mother.

b. She has the same character as her mother.

When I was young, I 回答 live in the country.

After the cricket we 回答 sit under a tree and talk about sport.

Every Saturday when it was sunny, I 回答 meet my friends to go for a cycle ride.

When we were older, we 回答 talk about girls.

I 回答 be in love with Mary, — then I met Suzie.

We 回答 enjoy playing cricket in a field.

I don’t like Jane. She’s nosey.

to ask questions (keep)


I hate my brother. He’s so lazy.

to stay in bed all day (forever)


I don’t want to work with Frank any more. He’s very unkind.

to say I am stupid (always)


Max is very aggressive.

to start fights(争吵,打斗) (keep)


The topic sentence of Para. 1 is ________.
A. Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman

B. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time

C. When Morgan Rees was 65, he got retired

D. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son

The topic sentence of Para. 2 is ________
A. He didn’t know what to do with himself

B. He went on holiday to interesting places with his wife

C. He was unhappy after he got retired

D. none of them

Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of Para. 3?
A. One day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper.

B. He bought a small crockery factory in secret and started work again.

C. He told his family he bought a small crockery factory.

D. His family was horrified and worried when they learned he bought the small factory.

What is the central idea of the last paragraph?
A. Morgan Rees has worked until he is 76.

B. Morgan Rees has developed the export market and improved the profits by 200%.

C. Morgan Rees hasn’t been bored since he bought the factory.

D. Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably, which has enriched his retired life.

The passage mainly deals with ________.
A. why Morgan Rees bought a small crockery factory

B. how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work again

C. how Moran Rees expanded the company considerably

D. how Moran Rees became a good businessman

Why did he (the second speaker) give up his first job?
A. Because he could not earn enough money

B. Because he disliked selling double-glazing

C. Because the company he had worked with only cared about money

D. Both B and C

It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A. he got the job as a journalist mainly by chance

B. he prepared himself very well for being a journalist

C. the editor decided to recruit (招收) him when they met for the first time

D. he was good at making up stories

Why did he give up journalism to sail full-time?
A. Because he thought it was toiling (辛苦的) to travel to different places to seek for news

B. Because he was bored with the fact that journalists took delight in reporting terrible things

C. Because he disagreed with other journalists on the changes in Russia

D. Because he had worked as a journalist for so long a time

It can be inferred from this passage that _________.
A. he prefers to look after children rather than go back to find a proper job

B. he cannot return to work since his children are too small

C. he decides to go back to work when his children grow up

D. he dislikes staying with children all day

What does the word “chaotic” mean in the last paragraph?
A. important

B. exciting

C. annoying

D. disorderly

The police said there was no c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (受伤者) in the accident.

You must learn the p _ _ _ _ _ (正经的) way to do things.

He works as an e _ _ _ _ _ (编辑) of a magazine.

He spent his e _ _ _ _ _ (整个的) life in china.

Their products are e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (出口) to many countries.

The g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (旅游指南) can give you some information.

I was h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (惊骇的) at the news.

The price of p _ _ _ _ _ (汽油) is going up.

The p _ _ _ _ _ _ (利润) in this business are not large.

There was such a beautiful s _ _ _ _ _ (日落).

You say that something 回答 when it is very surprising.

You say a ship 回答 when it moves over the sea.

If something 回答 you, it makes you want to laugh.

If you 回答 something, you stop it from happening.

If you are 回答 on doing something, you very much want to do it.

When someone 回答 a building, they plan it and make a detailed drawing of it.

If you 回答 someone, you move along behind them.

Something that is 回答 is usual and ordinary.

If you 回答 somewhere, you go there as quickly as possible.

If something is going to happen 回答, it is going to happen soon.

The boy is keen ______ computer games.
A. for

B. at

C. to

D. on

All the people were horrified __ the news.
A. to

B. on

C. at

D. for

It is one of the most__ films that I have ever seen.
A. amazed

B. amazing

C. amaze

D. to amaze

I found this book in the bookstore _____ .
A. by chance

B. by the chance

C. by a chance

D. by chances

Let’s carry __ this discussion at some other time.
A. up

B. off

C. on

D. out

They plan to _____ in the city.
A. go to sightseeing

B. do some sightseeing

C. go the sightseeing

D. do some sightseeings

He spent _____ doing his homework.
A. the whole day

B. the all day

C. a entire day

D. whole day

They walked in the woods __ they dropped.
A. while

B. when

C. after

D. till

His story _____ all the students in the classroom.
A. were amusing

B. amused

C. was amused

D. amuse

Can you drop __ at the station?
A. me off

B. me down

C. off me

D. down me

She 回答(to buy) a cat for her mother last Christmas.

Oh look, the bed is dirty now. The cats 回答 (to sleep) on them.

A dog 回答 (to bite) me yesterday morning.

The dog 回答 (to eat) the chicken I had cooked for lunch.

I think the dog 回答 (to smell) it from the garden.

I 回答 (to take) the dog to a training class last week. He hasn’t improved.

Oh, no! We 回答 (to lose) the bird.

It 回答 (to fly) into the garden.

Oh no! I 回答 (to forget) the dog. I left him outside the chemist’s.

The family回答 couldn’t pay the bills was sued by the man who owned the company.

The person 回答 he met on the boat became his wife.

The war correspondent 回答 wrote the article has returned.

The article 回答 he wrote has been published several times.

The children 回答he looked after were all under five.

The story 回答 he wrote was the one which got him the job.

–Where ________ the recorder? I can’t see it anywhere.

— I ______ it right here, but now it’s gone.
A. did you put; have put

B. have you put; put

C. had you put; have put

D. were you putting; have put

We ____________ the bathroom and plan _____________ the bedroom this year.
A. painted…to paint

B. is painting… painting

C. paint… to paint

D. have painted…to paint

Are you free in July?

No, I _________ with my parents in July.
A. stay

B. stayed

C. have stayed

D. am staying

The restaurants ________ are good but the _________ here are much better.
A. there…ones

B. here…one

C. here…ones

D. there… one

This is the house _______ he lived last year.
A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what

I started looking after other children _______ parents went out to work.
A. who

B. which

C. whose

D. that

_______ I enjoy most is ______ I can have a holiday from work.
A. That… that

B. That… what

C. What…what

D. What…that

I’m leaving for New York _____ three day’s time.
A. for

B. in

C. at

D. on

I’m in Greece at the moment. I like the weather ________.
A. here

B. there

C. that

D. this

He is very keen ______ football.
A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to

Peter Blake is a successful businessman, but he (1) to be very poor. He had nowhere to live and (2) working in a pub when he (3) to start his own business. Peter had always (4) interested in plants and flowers, (5) he decided to set up a company (6) cared for the plants in big offices. At first he worked on his (7) , but soon he took (8) two people to help him. The company has been growing (9) for the last ten years. Peter is now very rich, (10) he complains that now he doesn’t work with plants but with a computer every day!

What does the word “extraordinary” mean in the title?
a. very ordinary

b. very unusual and surprising

c. not special

d. extreme

The word “section” in Para. 4 most probably means here _________.
a. group of people

b. part of the training

c. part of the route of sail

d. part of the job

The sentence “…my husband thought I was bored …” in Para. 4 meant that my husband thought I felt_________.
a. dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home

b. annoyed because I had to wait long for my children to come back home

c. happy because I could do something I was interested in instead of taking care of children

d. sad because all the children left me when they grew up

The last paragraph suggests that _________.
a. the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer

b. many years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail completely, so she needn’t do anything before the journey

c. she should be kind to other team members during the trip

d. she should not forget dancing during the trip

Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to “rough” in the sentence “One night the sea was very rough …”? (in Para. 5)
a. not exact

b. difficult

c. not smooth because of huge waves

d. pleasant

What is Iran going to study in the University of Wales?
a. rock music

b. tourism

c. artificial intelligence

d. programming

His other ambitions include ________.
a. an around-the-world sail

b. a trip to the South Pole

c. a trip to the North Pole

d. a two-year study in Australia

Why is Iran interested in studying in North America?
a. Because he likes America and they are very good on programming there.

b. Because it’s better to study music there.

c. Because he likes some adventures there.

d. Because he likes their culture.

Which of the following is NOT included in Helen’s ambitions?
a. To get good grades in all exams.

b. To spend two years studying earth sciences in North America.

c. To get a well-paid job upon graduation from the university.

d. To have lots of money, a fast car and a big house.

From the passage, we can infer that _________.
a. Helen is studying in a junior high school at the moment

b. Helen is studying in the university as a freshman

c. Helen has graduated from the senior high school for one month

d. Helen is studying in a senior high school at the moment

Are you a _ _ _ _ (意识到的) of the danger?

Bach wrote c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (古典的) music

We followed c _ _ _ _ _ _ (密切地) after him.

I don’t think c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (创造性) is a skill.

They came and gave us a little s _ _ _ _ _ _ (支持)

You can find the information in the sports s _ _ _ _ _ _ (部分)

The e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (教育) of children is very important

Does this test show the g _ _ _ _ _ (性别) of the baby?

The child had more e _ _ _ _ _ (精力) than his parents

The teacher is very p _ _ _ _ _ _ (耐心) with students.

If an activity 回答 someone, they are taking part in it.

If you are 回答 about things, you are hopeful and confident.

If you are 回答, you are full of energy.

A 回答 is a series of actions which are carried out in order.

If you 回答 a person, you damage some parts of their body.

If you 回答 money, you ask people for money which you collect.

Your 回答 are unexplained feelings you have that something is true.

A 回答 is a person whose job is to give advice to people.

You use 回答 to describe people things in a country.

The 回答 of a ship is the top part of it that forms a floor in the open air.

The woman is very patient __ the customers.
a. with

b. to

c. for

d. on

Please write to me __.
a. as soon as you can

b. as sooner as possible

c. as quick as possible

d. as quicker as possible

____ you involved in the traffic accident?
a. Have

b. Are

c. Do

d. Did

He is not aware ____ what he has done.
a. for

b. to

c. about

d. of

The heavy rain ___ the road.
a. hurt

b. injured

c. damaged

d. hazard

He took __ part in the activity.
a. an active

b. a dynamic

c. a positive

d. energetic

He has __ come back from my holiday.
a. simply

b. only

c. just

d. even

He likes to __ stamps as his hobby.
a. collect

b. raise

c. gather

d. pick

He was a young sailor on his first sea ___.
a. journey

b. trip

c. travel

d. voyage

He has __ for music.
a. an intelligence

b. an talent

c. a creativity

d. a mind

What did Molly do after she (to have) children?

What (to happen) before Molly joined a pop dance team?

Was Molly bored after the children (to leave) home?

Where Molly (to go) before the wave smashed into the boat?

How much money Molly (to raise) by the end of October last year?

How long is your 回答 to work?

Do you 回答by train?

The Titanic sank on its first 回答.

I have a business 回答 to Frankfurt next week.

I must leave. I have a long 回答 home.

They have enjoyed 回答 very much since they retired.

Molly Wilson (1) a dancer and a mother for many years when she (2) to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

What does the word “replaced” mean in the sixth line in paragraph 1 _________.
a. renewed

b. put back

c. refilled

d. recovered

The word “shabby” in the last line of paragraph 1 means _________.
a. satisfactory

b. in good condition

c. in bad condition

d. attractive

The word “drawback” most likely means _________.
a. advantage

b. disadvantage

c. return

d. feature

The sentence “we have a list of things to do as long as your arm” means _________.
a. we have to use our arms to do a lot of things

b. we have few things to do

c. we have quite a few things to do

d. we have nothing to do

Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete’s house?
a. It’s a detached one with a large garden.

b. It’s located near the centre of London.

c. It was in a good state when they bought it.

d. It generally pleases them.

Why did John Preston call a meeting last week?
a. Because the residents were dissatisfied with the present residents’ committee.

b. Because the residents were dissatisfied with the bad management of the flats.

c. Because some residents requested to change the present residents’ committee.

d. Because he wanted to become Chairman of the committee.

What does the word “inactivity” mean in the third sentence in paragraph 1?
a. weakness

b. progress

c. state

d. lack of action

What does the word “due” mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2?
a. to be paid

b. proper

c. owed

d. large

Smoking a _ _ _ _ _ _ (影响) health.

I have come to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (道歉) to you.

We were a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (使惊骇) by the news.

They are having a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (委员会) meeting.

There is no real reason for c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (抱怨).

They are very c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (关心的) about the problems involved.

I’m afraid you are very d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (失望的) with me.

That answer won’t s _ _ _ _ _ _ (使满意) her.

We e _ _ _ _ _ _ (选举) him as President.

Your idea has little v _ _ _ _ (价值) .

If you say that something is 回答, you mean that it is very bad or unpleasant.

Something that is 回答 covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items.

Something that is 回答 is acceptable to you.

The 回答 of something is how good or bad it is.

If one thing or person 回答 another, the first is used instead of the second.

The 回答 of something is its importance or usefulness.

A person who is 回答 is wearing old, worn clothes.

Someone who is a 回答 in a country or a town lives there.

If an event is 回答 to something, it is caused by it.

A 回答 house is one that is not joined to any other house.

We were all __ the bad news.
a. appalled by

b. appalled

c. appalled to

d. appalled for

The dirty dog needs ___ at once.
a. wash

b. to wash

c. be washed

d. washing

Please don’t __ him.
a. concern for

b. be worried about

c. be concerned with

d. concern about

__ his work dissatisfy you.
a. Is

b. Are

c. Do

d. Did

Who is looking __the matter?
a. on

b. into

c. in

d. for

He studied hard ___, he failed in his exam.
a. meanwhile

b. therefore

c. whatever

d. however

Look at your room. Please __.
a. tidy up it

b. clear it up

c. clean up it.

d. sweep it up

He will go and attend the meeting __ .
a. replace

b. replacement

c. instead

d. instead of

He is really __ what he has done.
a. apologized

b. sorry to

c. sorry for

d. apologized to

The building __ by the fire.
a. was affected

b. affected

c. influence

d. was caused

The doors回答 today. (paint)

He 回答 the gate last week. (replace)

They回答 the roof last summer. (fix)

The path 回答 before the winter. (clean)

The window frames 回答 soon. (paint)

You 回答 the windowpanes as soon as possible. (replace)

The steps 回答 soon. (repair)

The chimney 回答. (clean)

We replaced the gate ourselves, but we 回答. (chimney, to replace)

They cleaned the windowpanes themselves, but they 回答. (floors, to clean)

She repaired the path herself, but she 回答. (roof, to repair)

We put in the new bath ourselves, but we 回答. (showers, to put in)

We built the kitchen cupboards ourselves, but we 回答. (conservatory, to build)

I converted the bedroom to a study myself, but I 回答 to a playroom. ( garage, to convert)

I live with my husband. 回答, but actually he’s very friendly.

We have two children. 回答, but actually they’re very good.

We used to live in the centre. 回答, but actually it’s a bit dangerous.

We like our house. 回答, but actually it’s quite new.

We like our street. 回答, but actually it’s fun.

Sally, our neighbour, is very nice. 回答, but actually she’s nearly 60.

Dear Sir or Madam,

What does the word “dramatically” mean in the first paragraph.?
A. Greatly.

B. Little.

C. Emotionally.

D. Mainly.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A. British people spend more time doing housework.

B. British people spend less leisure time watching TV.

C. The majority of British people prefer to listen to records or CDs and tapes rather than watch TV in their spare time.

D. Older people prefer to garden rather than listen to tapes and records in their leisure time.

What does “exotic” mean in the second sentence of Para. 1? .
A. unusual

B. familiar

C. lovely

D. fierce

From the sentence “Dogs used to be the most popular pets, …more independent and need less care.”, we can infer that _________.
A. dogs are still the most popular pets now

B. cats need more care than dogs

C. dogs are not the most popular pet now

D. cats are more dependent on their owners

Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A. All the dogs are allowed into the hospitals to visit the patients.

B. Only some special dogs can help the patients feel better.

C. Doctors and nurses doubt if pets can bring comfort to the patients.

D. Doctors and nurses are aware pets will bring benefits to all the patients.

Pets are particularly beneficial to the following EXCEPT _________.
A. children

B. people with mental illness

C. the elderly people who live alone

D. the elderly people who have to live apart from their pets

The first sentence of Para. 2 suggests _________.
A. touching and playing with a pet makes people nervous and anxious

B. pets can make people become quiet and attentive

C. people feel uncomfortable when they touch and play with a pet

D. people feel relaxed and hopeful when they touch and play with a pet

The dog helps Alan do the following EXCEPT _________.
A. She helps her get dressed

B. She accompanies her to the hospital

C. She gets the newspaper for her

D. She picks up the phone for her

The sentence “when I was going to a comma …” means that __________.
A. when I got hungry…

B. when I felt asleep…

C. when I became unconscious…

D. when I fell down on the floor…

Where did you get those f _ _ _ _ _ _ (数字)?

Speech t _ _ _ _ _ _ (疗法) can help this child to speak clearly.

He decided not to tell anyone about the i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (事件) .

The nurse gave the patient an i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (注射).

He spends his l _ _ _ _ _ _ (休闲) reading newspapers.

Traveling is a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (生活方式) not a hobby.

I don’t agree with the m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (大多数) on this point.

Driving without a license is an o _ _ _ _ _ _ (违法).

Please r _ _ _ _ _ _ (回应) to the questions.

He works as a police s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (警官) in Beijing.

If something 回答, it changes.

If you 回答 an activity, you make sure that the activity is done correctly.

Someone who is 回答 is unable to see.

If someone 回答 a crime, they do something bad.

If you 回答 something, you use your teeth to cut into it.

A 回答 is a period of ten years.

When something 回答, it becomes less in quantity, size.

If you 回答 for something, you look carefully for them.

If you 回答 something, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully.

A 回答 worker is someone who does work without being paid for it.

You can see the great changes in the city during __ development.
A. decades of

B. decade

C. decades

D. decade of

He spent the whole afternoon sorting ____ his coins.
A. off

B. out

C. up

D. down

They wanted to __ the number of workers in their company.
A. decline

B. decrease

C. drop

D. cut

We need some new __ in our office.
A. equipment

B. device

C. facility

D. machine

Don’t be worried about it because we have police __ all the time.
A. on a duty

B. on duties

C. on the duty

D. on tudy

What __ you here today?
A. takes

B. fetches

C. brings

D. carry

You can see the user ___ of our website are up this month.
A. figures

B. numbers

C. figure

D. number

Mr. Robert has a __ of five people.
A. house

B. household

C. home

D. family

The doctor __ her carefully and then decided whether or not to operate.
A. searched

B. examined

C. searched for

D. looked for

The shop has a good selection of swimming __.
A. dresses

B. uniforms

C. costumes

D. skirts

85% of households have a microwave oven.

回答 of households have a microwave oven.

52% of managers have a dishwasher (洗碗机).

回答 of managers have a dishwasher.

23% of unskilled workers’ households have a dishwasher.

回答 of unskilled workers’ households have a dishwasher.

71% of men have done sport in the last week.

回答 of men have done sport in the last week.

29% of women have done DIY in the last four weeks.

回答 of women have done DIY in the last four weeks.

I 回答(run) for 2 hours.

I 回答(run) 12 miles.

I 回答(decorate) this house for 2 years.

I 回答 (decorate) the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.

He 回答 (write) a book for 9 months.

He 回答 (write) 200 pages so far.

She 回答 (work) for the company for three months now.

She 回答 (suggest) some very good things for us to try.

We 回答 (go out) with each other for 3 years now.

We 回答 (decide) to get married next year.

The family gave a party 回答 cost £10,000.

The woman 回答 you saw on the bus was my mother.

What was the name of the woman 回答 left her bag in my car?

You’re sitting 回答 I want to sit.

That’s the book 回答 Don gave me for Christmas.

I don’t like cars 回答 are too fast.

Is this a photo of the hotel 回答 you stayed?

Have you seen the card 回答 Tom sent?

The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in ___________.
A. 776 BC

B. 617 BC

C. 1908

D. 1936

The ancient Olympic Games were held to honor __________
A. the God

B. Koroibos

C. Zeus

D. Hera

The Olympic flag was introduced in _____________.
A. AD 393

B. 1932

C. 1936

D. 1908

The torch relay was first used in ________________.
A. the ancient Olympic Games

B. the Marathon

C. the mordern Olympic Games

D. Los Angeles

Bidding for the Olympic Games usually starts ____________ before the games are really held.
A. two years

B. eight years

C. one year

D. ten years

Beijing was one of the _______ bidders for the 2008 games.
A. four

B. five

C. ten

D. three

The World Cup 2002 was held in _____________.
A. Japan

B. South Korea

C. China

D. A and B

What construction projects did Beijing start after winning the bid?
A. The extension of the underground.

B. The improvement of the airport.

C. The building of new motorways.

D. All of the above.

Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games?
A. Because it has a major effect on the economy.

B. Because it brings international prestige to the country.

C. Because the host cities are permanently improved.

D. All of the above.

They have to c _ _ _ _ _ _ (竞争)with others for this job.

People have lived in this place since a_ _ _ _ _ _ (古代的) times.

Which ground is the v _ _ _ _ (地点)for next week’s football match?

He is m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (精神上)ill.

The opera was excellently s _ _ _ _ _ (上演).

His opinion r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 代表) that of the majority.

Do you think it is a r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (宗教的) painting?

His p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (成绩) in he exam was not very good.

The nation’s e_ _ _ _ _ _ (经济) is growing rapidly.

Our school d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (击败) that school at football.

If you 回答 a new plan, you begin to have it.

A 回答 is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a competition.

If you 回答 someone, you win a victory in a game.

If you are 回答, you feel disappointed about something.

A 回答 is a hot bright stream of burning gas.

The 回答 level or value of something is its highest level.

The 回答 for an activity is the place where it will happen.

A 回答 is a success in a competition.

A 回答 is a large sports ground with rows of seats all round it.

Someone’s 回答 is how successful they are or how well they do something.

There is an increase in the _____ of college students in the country.
A. amount

B. figure

C. score

D. number

That film won Oscars for best costumes in this year’s _______.
A. awards

B. prize

C. ceremony

D. medal

Smoking _____ the museum.
A. banned in

B. is banned from

C. is banned in

D. is baned in

Napoleon was ______ at the battle (战斗) of Waterloo.
A. defeated

B. beat

C. failed

D. hit

He _____ by the failure to pass the exam.
A. was disheartened

B. disheartened

C. was disheartening

D. disheartening

This drink can have bad effect _____ your body.
A. for

B. on

C. to

D. of

They held a dinner _______ the opening of the new show.
A. in the honour of

B. in an honour of

C. in honour of

D. in honours of

Can I _______ my printer to your computer?
A. link

B. join

C. combine

D. connect

I usually go to work _______.
A. by tube

B. in underground

C. by the underground

D. by the tube

We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know whether she’ll _______ it.
A. receive

B. accept

C. afford

D. earn

In the second paragraph., the word “endorsing” means _________.
A. supporting

B. disapproving (不同意)

C. arguing against

D. giving up

What does the word “sedentary” mean in the second paragraph.?
A. fat

B. inactive

C. fit

D. dangerous

It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph. that _________.
A. the new study contradicts the previous research

B. the new study is based on the previous research

C. the new study is similar to the previous research

D. the new study concludes being overweight is also the cause of death

What can we infer about the British Government’s attitude in the last paragraph.?
A. It’s indifferent to the research of last year.

B. It has approved of the previous research.

C. It is not concerned about the nation’s health.

D. It has approved of the new study.

What’s the author’s attitude according to the passage?
A. Indifferent.

B. Subjective.

C. Objective.

D. Critical (批评的).

What does the word “fluctuating” mean in the first paragraph.?
A. keeping changing

B. staying stable

C. being lost

D. being gained

The author has kept a constant weight since her late 20s because _________.
A. she went to the weight loss center

B. she was on diet

C. she tried the miracle diet (速效减肥餐)

D. she started to do some exercise

Which of the following is not on the list of her meals?
A. sandwich

B. coffee and croissant

C. cheese and dairy products

D. enough nutritious food

“If I had the time, I’d make something better.” means ________.
A. I had much time to do something better to eat, but I didn’t

B. I was very busy, but I could find time to cook at home

C. I was free in the last two months

D. I didn’t feed myself well since I was very busy

It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. I’ve been gaining some weight during the last two months

B. I have become much thinner because I didn’t eat any meat

C. Although I drink alcoholic a lot, I’m still very slim

D. Although I’ve been very busy, I still keep fit

It is really a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (恼人的) when the train is late.

I am not hungry but I’d like a s _ _ _ _ (小吃).

I felt d _ _ _ _ (晕眩的) when I got up suddenly.

The baby d _ _ _ _ _ _ (使加倍) its weight in a year.

He is an e _ _ _ _ _ (专家) in economy.

It is a good h _ _ _ _ (习惯) to eat slowly.

She was really u_ _ _ _ (心烦的) about losing the money.

Students at this l _ _ _ _ (水平) need help.

There is a speed l _ _ _ _ (限度) in 30 m. p. h. in towns.

That cloud has a strange s _ _ _ (形状).

A 回答 activity or action is done quickly .

When you 回答, you say the last thing that you are going to say.

You use 回答 to describe something that happens all the time.

If you 回答 someone, you give them confidence.

If you refer to food as 回答 food, you mean that it is quick to prepare but not good for your health.

If you 回答 someone, you do not understand them properly.

If there is 回答 on a person, someone is trying to force them to do something.

If you 回答 something, you put a limit on it.

If you 回答 something, you measure how heavy they are.

A 回答 is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time.

What he said _____ me.
A. Annoy

B. was annoying

C. annoyed

D. was annoyed

I don’t know _____ he will come nor not.
A. if

B. whether

C. what

D. that

I hope they are _____.
A. well out

B. well of

C. better up

D. better off

She told us she was _____.
A. on diet

B. going a diet

C. on a diet

D. on the diet

I don’t _____ of your plan.
A. agree

B. approve

C. endorse

D. prove

What he did flied _____ his parents.
A. a face of

B. in face of

C. in the face of

D. the face of

They have decided to start out ______ the weather.
A. irrespective

B. irrespective of

C. in spite

D. in the spite of

I don’t like the child because he is always _____.
A. on the move

B. off the go

C. on a go

D. on the go

You can see the ball _____ when the temperature is high.
A. extend

B. expand

C. stretch

D. spread

They are sold by _______.
A. weigh

B. weight

C. heavy

D. heavily

The investigation conducted by the Commission for Health Improvement found that _________.
A. 40 public hospitals didn’t meet the national hygiene standards.

B. 40 public hospitals refused to accept the inspection of their hygiene standards.

C. the government was taking action to improving the national hygiene standards.

D. the government had an inspection of 40 public hospitals’ hygiene standards.

From the passage, we learn the Commission for Health Improvement plans to _________.
A. find out the cause of infection the patients caught in Glasgow hospital

B. take steps to lower the high rate of infection the patients’ might catch in hospital

C. call on the government to improve standards in hospitals throughout Britain

D. continue their investigation into the hygiene conditions in hospitals

The hygiene conditions in British hospitals are worse than ever before because these hospitals are being cleaned by __________.
A. private companies

B. public employees

C. special “hit squads”(突击小组)

D. their staff

According to your prediction, what will the next paragraph most probably deal with?
A. The complaints from private companies.

B. The complaints (抱怨)from the unions.

C. The difficulties British public hospitals are facing while improving their hygiene conditions.

D. How to improve bad hygiene conditions in British hospitals.

What’s the central idea of this passage?
A. The hygiene problems in 40 public British hospitals are being tackled.

B. 40 public hospitals haven’t met the hygiene standards.

C. An investigation is being made by the Commission for Health Improvement

D. Britain has the highest rate in Europe of patients catching diseases.

What does the word “sufficient” mean in line 2 in Para. 2?
A. enough

B. some

C. little

D. efficient

“Jet Lag” means __________.
A. a natural daily sleep pattern

B. the tired feeling you have when flying across the places where time is different

C. a kind of acute disease (急性病)

D. the difficulty in adjusting to a new time zone

Which of the following might be best filled in ?
A. a little bit DVT can be very dangerous.

B. it’s less dangerous although it can be painful.

C. it’s dangerous and it can be painful.

D. especially during the travel.

Which of the following might be the best answer to be put in ?
A. To take some sleeping pills so that you can fall asleep.

B. To get up and walk around the cabin when you can.

C. To keep your feet still for an hour.

D. To drink more water.

What’s the purpose of this piece of writing?
A. To persuade people to take a long journey.

B. To explain what are jet lag and DVT.

C. To offer the tips about international travel.

D. To inform us of the problems that might arise during our flight.

It is difficult for the old man to a _ _ _ _ _ (调节) to the city life.

This is a p _ _ _ _ _ _ (私人的) conversation.

The flight a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (服务员) was very kind to the old man.

Before the meeting, let me give you a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (情况简介).

He works at a c _ _ _ _ _ (诊所) in a community.

They gave her a grant to study a _ _ _ _ _ (国外) for one year.

We should learn how to c _ _ _ _ _ _ (进行) a meeting.

His teaching was not very e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (有效的).

I can’t e _ _ _ _ _ (确保) that he will be there in time.

The first s _ _ _ (步) will be to get a job in some office.

A 回答 is a building where people go to receive medical advice.

If you 回答 pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind.

A 回答 is an amount of money that a government gives to a person.

If something 回答, it becomes smaller in size, or degree.

A 回答 person is gentle and does not get angry easily.

If you 回答 something, you make it seem smaller than it really is.

When something 回答, it happens.

A 回答 is the repeated way in which something is done.

To 回答 something means to make people aware of it.

When you 回答, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened.

How did you adjust _____ ?
A. for college life

B. college life

C. to college life

D. about college life

Tell me the _____ news about her.
A. up-to-date

B. latest

C. newest

D. earliest

He was deeply _____ by the film.
A. effected

B. affected

C. effective

D. effecting

They ______ that they were going to get the prize.
A. sure

B. certain

C. firm

D. ensure

The accident was under _____ .
A. investigation

B. inspection

C. research

D. search

The price was ____ 10 percent.
A. lessened

B. decreased

C. reduced

D. lower

He _____ in bed yesterday because he was ill.
A. lain

B. lay

C. lied

D. lying

May I have it for my _____?
A. private

B. own

C. personal

D. alone

He is suffering ____ diabetes.(糖尿病)
A. for

B. in

C. on

D. from

He doesn’t talk a lot and he is a _____ person.
A. quiet

B. peaceful

C. still

D. silent

The doctors are examining the young girl now.


An ambulance is taking Bill to another hospital at the moment.


The nurses were serving lunch to the patients for two hours yesterday.


The new staff were cleaning the wards all day yesterday.


They were admitting five new patients when he arrived.


The passenger told me that he wanted to lie down. He said that his head ached and he felt sick.

The passenger told me that she was pregnant. She said that the lunch had been badly cooked, so she hadn’t eaten it. She also said that she wanted to eat some fruit.

The passenger said that he felt very unwell and that he had a pain in his arm.

The passenger said that he thought he was ill. He said that he had been very hot, but now he was very cold and was shivering. He told me that he had brought some medicine with him, but he couldn’t find it.

I can’t speak any Spanish, but a lot of people speak English.


My brother is still in Spain.


My brother is coming back on Thursday.


I don’t know what time he arrives.


We ate a lot of fish.


I swam in the sea every day.


Although international travel is usually an (1) and pleasant experience, travellers should take steps to ensure that their health does not suffer either (2) their time the air or their time abroad. Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic (3) injections are necessary for the areas you are travelling (4) . Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you (5) because they may take time to become effective. Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date. Check on the Internet if you are not sure. Don’t go to bed late the day (6) you fly. Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern. It takes time to adjust to a new time zone. There are many different (7) of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and tired. You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive. There are several things you can do to (8) the effects of jet lag:- Do your (9) to relax during the flight;- Sleep as much as you can on the flight. Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary;- Drink as much water as you can;- Don’t drink alcohol and caffeine;- Take mild sleeping pills (10) the first few days in the new time zone if you need them.

1. Private companies are cleaning 80% of the hospital.


2. The hospitals were much cleaner when public employees were cleaning them.


3. Hit squads are cleaning these public hospitals.


4. The government is giving a 1 million grant to one hospital.

5. People are blaming the high rate of infection on hygiene conditions.


6. Doctors in a Glasgow hospital were treating patients for a virus infection.


Which of the following basic subjects the children needn’t learn in a primary school?
a. reading

b. writing

c. mathematics

d. dancing and music

It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that in the UK the compulsory education covers _________.
a. nursery and primary schooling

b. primary and secondary schooling

c. primary, secondary and higher education

d. none of them

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
a. The state school students study the subjects required by the State, while the private school students have more choices over them.

b. Students both in the state schools and private schools study the same subjects.

c. The state schools charge (收费)less than the private schools.

d. Most of the parents prefer to send their children to the private schools although they charge highly.

What is the author’s attitude towards to the British School System?
a. negative

b. subjective

c. critical (批评的)

d. objective

According to the last Para., why do many foreign students want to go to the universities in the UK? Because they consider_________.
a. it a better place to learn English

b. they will acquire some western ideas as well as a very useful language –English

c. they will find a better job in the UK and other English-speaking countries

d. they will benefit a lot from the western ideas

What does the word “scared” mean in the second paragraph?
a. excited

b. frightened

c. worried

d. new

The sentence “But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends” in the third paragraph. implies (含有的意思是)_________.
a. if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars at your spare time

b. if you want to have a better life than others, you can find a part-time job at your spare time

c. restaurants and bars need more hands (人手) in the evenings and at weekends

d. restaurants and bars don’t need more hands in the evenings and at weekends

What does the word “grants” mean in the third paragraph?
a. money given by the government to support the students’ study, which they needn’t pay back

b. money from the government which the students need to pay back

c. money from the school which is similar to scholarship (奖学金)

d. a kind of loan from the government with low interests

This passage is written for the purpose of _________.
a. telling the new students the problems facing them in the university

b. telling the new students how to budget their money

c. offering the new students some advices about their university life

d. talking the new students into joining them

From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress from living faraway from home, _________.
a. it’s better for the new students to talk to their parents over the phone from time to time

b. the new students need to do the washing themselves

c. the new students should keep themselves as busy as possible so that they will not miss home

d. the new students should stop phoning their parents

No one should be d _ _ _ _ _ (否认) a good education.

Britain has more than ten n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (国家的) newspapers.

Does your school charge school f _ _ _ (费)?

Children over the age of eleven go to s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (中等的) schools.

I haven’t got a d _ _ _ _ _ _ (数字的) camera.

It’s quite l _ _ _ _ _ (可能的) that we’ll meet this time next year.

If you take my t _ _ (劝告) you’ll make a lot of money.

It was a m _ _ _ _ _ _ (错误) for us to come here tonight.

He p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (承诺) to call me every week.

My g _ _ _ _ _ _ (一般的) impression of the place was good.

If you 回答 that something bad is true, you agree that it is true.

If you 回答 something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it.

The 回答 of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based.

If you 回答 to do something, you try hard to do it.

If someone is 回答 from a school, they are told to leave.

A 回答 is a point that is given for a correct answer in an exam.

If you are 回答 of something, you are frightened of them.

A 回答 is a place where children are looked after.

You can refer to countries as 回答, when you are discussing politics.

If someone is 回答 paid, they receive a large salary.

If you are doctor, you must have a doctor’s _____.
a. license

b. passport

c. certificate

d. diploma

Don’t be sorry for that. We all ___ mistakes.
a. take

b. have

c. do

d. make

He was expelled ___ the club for breaking the rules.
a. from

b. out

c. off

d. away

She had a __ look on her face when she saw that.
a. scare

b. scaring

c. scared

d. to scare

There is a ____ clock on the wall.
a. number

b. figure

c. hands

d. digital

Do remind me because I’m___ to forget.
a. likely

b. possible

c. possibly

d. liked

You’ll regret ____ those words.
a. to have said

b. having said

c. to say

d. say

Many are finding it difficult to make ___ meet, especially whose with young children.
a. end

b. an end

c. ends

d. the end

He never sticks ___ anything for very long.
a. on

b. up

c. with

d. to

He’s very ____ thought of within the company.
a. high

b. highly

c. higher

d. highest

Grandson: I hate this uniform. Granddad, (1)wear a uniform

回答it rains this evening, we won’t play tennis.

Jim might ring later. he phones, can you tell him about it?

I’m going to the supermarket. I’m there, I’ll get some tea.

He’s away at the moment. I’ll tell him to phone you he gets back.

I might be late, so I am not there by 6 p.m., don’t wait for me.

I remember (to sit down) at the beginning of the lecture, but then I


She forgot (to close) the window and the rain came in.

They forgot (to register) for the course and now it’s too late.

I am glad that I remembered (to leave) enough time at the end of

the exam to read my answers again.

Children stop (to study) foreign languages very early in some


She remembered (to drive) out of the car park, and then nothing more.

I wasn’t sure about my homework,so I stopped (to check ) the

answers with a friend.

I’d forgotten (to visit) Cambridge as a child until I went there for

an interview last week.

I ___________ finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.
a. have to

b. don’t have to

c. must

d. mustn’t

They walked _______ the woods.
a. up

b. down

c. through

d. over

She paid the builder _________ the gate.
a. to repair

b. repair

c. repairing

d. repaired

When I was a child, we __________ wear a uniform for school.
a. must

b. have to

c. needed to

d. had to

_____ I got a first, I’d stay in university and I’d do a postgraduate research degree.
a. As

b. Since

c. When

d. If

I tried ________, but the line was engaged.
a. phone

b. phoned

c. phoning

d. to phone

He is looking forward ___________ his thesis.
a. to write

b. to writing

c. in writing

d. on writing

______ all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.
a. Spending

b. To spend

c. Spend

d. Spended

I regret _______ that I’m unable to help you.
a. saying

b. to say

c. say

d. said

He carried on ________ after his accident.
a. to work

b. work

c. working

d. worked

Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage?
a. Visual learner

b. Auditory leaner

c. Kinaesthetic leaner

d. Sensory learner

Which of the following describes best the auditory learners?
a. They like to watch and listen to what others do.

b. They prefer to listen rather than watch.

c. They like both music and pictures.

d. They usually talk less.

Which of the following is NOT true about the visual learners?
a. They usually learn by watching and copying what others do.

b. They prefer drawing pictures to taking notes in words.

c. They are full of imagination.

d. They remember people’s names quickly.

According to the passage, the drawback of being a visual learner is __________.
a. he cannot concentrate on the things

b. he dislikes music

c. he always has a daydream

d. none of them

From the fourth paragraph, the kinaesthetic learner tends to _________.
a. listen to explanations and enjoy conversations

b. memorise things via (通过)pictures

c. do more physical exercises

d. be forgetful

The passage is written for the purpose of ________.
a. informing the reader of Direct Courses

b. introducing how to apply for Direct Courses

c. arguing for Direct Courses

d. arguing against Direct Courses

Bases on the passage, we can infer that if we learn with Direct, we can________
a. meet the tutors on line

b. have no contact with other students

c. join the discussion forums and seminar groups anytime

d. study English well

Which of the following is NOT true about the Direct?
a. It offers a great variety of courses.

b. It’s an e-learning experience.

c. You don’t have to study it at a fixed time.

d. It requires you to be skilled in computer.

According to the passage, if we want to register for Direct, we’d better ________.
a. make an appointment beforehand

b. go simply to the Direct centre every morning

c. go simply to the Direct centre during their opening hours

d. do it on line

We can infer from the passage that if we want to learn with Direct, ________.
a. we must buy a laptop

b. we must have one desktop at home

c. we needn’t have our own computers

d. we need several computers at home

Now many people make friends in c _ _ _ (闲聊) rooms.

It is easy to get an o _ _ _ _ _ (在线) newspaper to read now.

He didn’t give me a d _ _ _ _ _(直接的) answer.

I think we’d better t _ _ _ (录音) an interview.

She h _ _ _ _ _ (拥抱) her sister when she met her.

She has red l _ _ _ (唇).

Do you feel s _ _ _ _ _ (安全的) about your future?

The TV producer today has to be part of e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (教育工作者).

He was made secretary for a t _ _ _(期限) of two years.

His d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (空想) is to be a famous actor.

You can use 回答 to show that something is so nearly true.

Something that is 回答 is noticeable than other things.

Your 回答 is the ability that you have to form pictures in your mind.

Information that is 回答 is meant to be kept secret.

A 回答 of something is what they look like.

If you 回答on a course, you officially join it and pay a fee for it.

If something 回答 you, it takes your attention away from it.

If you 回答 something, you learn it by heart.

A 回答 of something is a talk by someone who shows you how to do it.

He is doing some research on the ____ system of animals.
a. auditory

b. sound

c. voice

d. listening

I know nothing about this ______ plan.
a. before arranged

b. pre-arranging

c. before arranging

d. pre-arranged

He drew a ___ to show us how to get to his house.
a. photo

b. spreadsheet

c. diagram

d. picture

The boat went ___ on the rough sea.
a. up or down

b. on and off

c. above and below

d. up and down

He ____ conversation.
a. engaged in

b. was engaged on

c. was engaged in

d. engaged on

The book had a great impact ___ its readers.
a. from

b. of

c. for

d. on

The wind is ____ the south.
a. tended to

b. tending to

c. tended for

d. tending for

Why did you choose that one ___?
a. to particular

b. for particular

c. in particular

d. on particular

They are asked to __ an online discussion forum every week.
a. join

b. join in

c. attend

d. take part in

The sound outside distracted him ____ his homework.
a. away

b. from

c. off

d. of

The sandwich course is really excellent. I have been on it for a week.回答.

The job prospects in engineering are declining now. They used to be good.


I go to an on-the-job training course. It takes one day a week.


A course with that company would be a very good idea for you.

You could begin a course at any time.


The interview went very well indeed. He had the interview yesterday.


they install / the new computers / before / launch / centre?


Will the new Director have started work by the end of this year?


Director / appoint new trainers / before / they install / new computers?


finance committee / approve /the budget / end July?


builders convert / centre / before it / buy new computers?


they install / the new computers / end of this year?


end July / building committee / approve plans


end December / Director / appoint / Director of Studies


end July / new Director / not start / job


end June next year / Director appoint / new trainers


end January the year after next / centre / be launched


end June next year / technicians not install / computers


Mary (1) primary school, but she found secondary school very (2) She had always been top of her class at primary school, but she got much worse (3) at secondary school. The problem for her was to be taught by ten different (4) for ten different subjects. (5) had been easier when there was (6) one teacher. Also, it was difficult to (7) to take the right books to the right classes at the right (8) . She began to find secondary school so stressful that she (9) ill. She loved reading books so she was good (10) English literature, but she was bad at (11) because numbers confused her. She often went abroad on holiday with her parents, so learning (12) countries in geography and speaking foreign languages (13) useful to her, but she (14) understand science and she wasn’t sporty at all so she hated (15) lessons.

Which of the following best describes the writer’s main point in the first paragraph?
a. Beijing’s planning map interests people a lot because of the changes being made in the city.

b. A computerized city planning map is shown in Beijing’s new Urban Planning Exhibition Centre.

c. Visitors are curious about the computerized city planning map.

d. During the past ten years, great changes have taken place in Beijing.

According to the passage, which of the following is not mentioned about the types of building that are planned?
a. Skyscrapers

b. Blocks of flats

c. Shopping malls

d. Factories

Which of the following best states the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. The large-scale model of the city is about half the size of a tennis court.

b. The main attraction is a big model and people can see how they will be affected.

c. Beijing’s landmarks are the Forbidden City and the 2008 Olympic Games Complex.

d. More underground stations will be built up.

Which of the following illustrates the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
a. The old man in his 70s is happy to know his flat will not be demolished.

b. Visitors who come to the centre for a variety of reasons are all happy.

c. The young couple feels dissatisfied with the Centre.

d. Some people feel happy and others don’t feel happy because they don’t get enough information.

Based on your understanding of each paragraph, what is the passage primarily concerned with?
a. The computerized planning map is arousing great interest among the visitors.

b. Officials are being more open and residents are giving feedback.

c. The newly-planned city map reveals the rapid changes in Beijing.

d. Visitors come to the centre for various reasons.

Why is India the world’s largest two-wheel economy?
a. Because there are 35 million people in India.

b. Because there are so many bicycles.

c. Because there are so many motorcycles and scooters.

d. Because the roads are full of a whole variety of vehicles.

What does the phrase “Given the hazards” mean in the last paragraph?
a. If we take the mixed vehicles into consideration.

b. If we take the slow animal carts into consideration.

c. If we take into consideration the dangers that may arise in the Indian traffic.

d. If the dangers do exist.

From the second paragraph, we can infer that India’s traffic jam is mainly caused by ________.
a. narrow country lanes

b. a hybrid of vehicles, especially slow animal carts

c. millions of people

d. 700,000 new cars

What does the title suggest?
a. The elephant in India is very fierce.

b. Drivers should be cautious of hurting the elephants which are at large (逍遥流窜的) in the street.

c. Drivers should be careful in the streets filled with the slow elephant carts.

d. Pedestrians should stay away from the crowds of elephants in the street.

In the last paragraph, why does the author say the special ceremony is not surprising?
a. Because Indians are very religious.

b. Because driving in India is often dangerous.

c. Because Indian cars are not reliable.

d. Because not all the Indians can afford the new cars.

You p 回答 (推) while I pull.

I have not made any p 回答 (进步)this year.

A c 回答 (奶牛) gives us fresh milk.

A t 回答 (典型的)day at the office begins at eight o’clock.

My friend and I live on the same b 回答 .(街区).

This wine has a fruity f 回答(味道).

You haven’t any r 回答 (理由)to leave me.

More help is needed for people on low i 回答 (收入).

He dislikes u 回答 (城镇的)life.

Have you had any f 回答 (反馈) from customers?

An 回答 is something that people can go to for interest.

An 回答 is a person who holds a position of authority.

The 回答 between two things is the way in which they are unlike.

A 回答 is a machine such as a car, bus, or truck.

If you 回答 something, you cut it into pieces with a knife.

A 回答 is a building which is easily noticed.

A 回答 is a person who is walking.

A 回答 is a very large enclosed shopping area.

Your 回答 of a future situation is what you imagine.

A 回答 is something which could be dangerous to you.

The moon ____ from behind the clouds.
a. emerged

b. began

c. extended

d. expanded

He refused to give any reason ____ his action.
a. of

b. to

c. for

d. on

These old houses are to be knocked____.
a. off

b. down

c. out

d. away

He hasn’t finished his work ____.
a. still

b. yet

c. already

d. ever

The traffic was held ____ by an accident.
a. down

b. on

c. off

d. up

There are many differences ____ the two languages.
a. of

b. for

c. between

d. on

Drinking too much is a ____ to your health.
a. danger

b. risk

c. harm

d. hazard

John is not making ____ progress at school.
a. much

b. many

c. a lot

d. plenty

We sell 32 different ____ of ice cream.
a. smells

b. tastes

c. flavours

d. feelings

He refused to make way ____ anyone.
a. to

b. for

c. with

d. from

Interviewer:Why 回答?

Woman: Because new houses are being built to replace it.

Interviewer: Where 回答?

Woman: The families are being moved to temporary accommodation in the city center.

Interviewer: What 回答?

Woman: A statue is being put up in the square.

Interviewer: Where 回答?

Woman: I am being moved to a nice area near where I work.

The cars/ to park/ in a side street.


I / to offer / a company car / boss.


They / to hold up / in traffic for hours.


We / to lend / a van.


You/ to warn / about the steering.


He / to take/ to the hospital in a taxi / wife.


Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who ________ for?
a. were you waiting

b. are you waiting

c. did you wait

d. do you wait

Are trees __________ along the road right now?
a. plant

b. planting

c. being planted

d. planted

We want to sit at the table near the window.

– I’m sorry, but ______ already.
a. it took

b. it takes

c. it is being taken

d. it has been taken

When ____ the old block of flats _____________?
a. did…being demolished

b. did… demolish

c. is… being demolished

d. is… demolished

_____ the tree __________ down?
a. Has… been chopped

b. Has…been chopping

c. Has… been choped

d. Has… been choping

What _______________ all this morning?
a. are you being done

b. have you been doing

c. have you been done

d. are you doing

The boy _______ to school already.
a. has taken

b. has been taking

c. is taken

d. has been taken

They ______________ for hours.
a. have been driving

b. have been driven

c. is drove

d. drive

Has the lorry been towed away yet? ( No. It / to be / on the road)

Is the repair team still here? ( Yes. They / to not go )

Is the lorry still empty? (Yes. They / to not fill up)

Is the replacement lorry here yet? ( No. to be / in traffic jam)

Has Jane phoned the mechanic? ( No)

Has Ken checked the tyres? (Yes)

Has Ken got the money? ( No)

Have you paid the bill? (Yes)

A. have been sold

B. have sold

C. have been selling

D. had been sold

A. on

B. over

C. between

D. in

A. cars

B. vehicles

C. bikes

D. motorcycles

A. within

B. after

C. with

D. in

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. above

A. pulled

B. pulling

C. to pull

D. pull

A. wait

B. search

C. watch out

D. listen out

A. were recommended

B. to be recommended

C. to recommend

D. are recommended

A. with

B. by

C. to

D. after

A. what

B. why

C. when

D. that

The boy was caught stealing while he was _________.
a. doing charity service

b. doing shopping in the local shops

c. dressed up as a woman representative from the charity Help Aids

d. changing his clothes in the shops

Why did one of the shop owners call the police?
a. Because the boy’s phone rang.

b. Because he recognized the boy who was dressed as a woman.

c. Because the boy answered the call in a rude way.

d. Because the boy was a new face.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the second paragraph?
a. The boy had been arrested 80 times before.

b. It was said that the boy had committed more than 1,000 offences.

c. The boy had been sent to a reform school (少管所)twice.

d. He had been arrested and thrown into a reform school 8 times.

What does the title of the passage suggest?
a. The boy swore to be a charity worker.

b. The boy who pretended to be a woman charity worker was spotted(认出)while he was swearing over the phone.

c. The boy who was a charity worker was convicted of theft .

d. The charity worker who spoke vulgar language(粗话)was found guilty.

According to the judge, why did the boy become a criminal?
a. Because his mother spoiled him.

b. Because he came from a single-parent family (单亲家庭).

c. Because his father was too busy to stay with him.

d. Because his father disliked him.

This passage mainly focuses on ________.
a. how to avoid the crimes both at home and in the street

b. where to stay if you want to be safe

c. what you should do at home if there is a burglary

d. how to avoid crime at night in the street

Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it’s better for you to _________.
a. shout loudly

b. run quickly

c. stop, turn around and look at him

d. go to public places

If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should _________.
a. always lock the door and put the key in a secret place far away from the door

b. never leave the keys to workmen since they can easily make copies

c. keep silent all the time even if you are on your own when a burglar steals into your house

d. go in immediately when you suspect (怀疑) someone is breaking into your house

From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if _________.
a. we cannot part with the money when being attacked

b. we always walk facing the traffic

c. we don’t walk in the empty street

d. we carry too much cash

Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?
a. Because we might use it to alert the burglar.

b. Because it’s convenient for us to talk to our friends while lying in bed.

c. Because it’s convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary.

d. Because we might use it to make a phone call at midnight.

A new manager was appointed during her a _ _ _ _ _ _ (不在).

The c _ _ _ (案件) will go before the court next month.

I heard a loud n _ _ _ _ (噪音) and ran to the window.

He began to c _ _ _ _ _ _ (与……比较) himself with the student.

He likes being a _ _ _ _ (独自的) in the house.

I’ve only just got up and I’m still half a _ _ _ _ _ (睡着的).

He was led to a place of s _ _ _ _ _ (安全).

They launched a _ _ _ _ _ _ (攻击) against the government plan.

I don’t know all the f _ _ _ _ (事实) about the case.

The gates were locked with a heavy c _ _ _ _ (锁链).

If you say that something is 回答, you mean it is difficult to deal with.

If you 回答 to do something, you act to make people believe it is ture.

If two things are 回答, they are the same in size or number.

If there is a 回答 of something unpleasant, there is a possibility that it will happen.

A 回答is someone who you spend time with.

A 回答 is a person who has killed someone.

To 回答 something means to ensure that it does not happen.

A 回答 is a kind of small bag which forms part of a piece of clothing.

The crime of stealing is 回答.

A 回答 is a person who attacks someone in a street to steal money.

One of the neighbors ____ and found the lady dead.
a. broke up

b. broke in

c. broke

d. broke into

John pulled ____ the driver and asked to the way to the station.
a. up

b. off

c. down

d. away

They were convicted ____ having killed 20 persons.
a. of

b. with

c. for

d. in

He was sentenced ____ for the murder.
a. to death

b. to die

c. to dead

d. death

The prisoners were put in ____.
a. chain

b. the chain

c. chains

d. a chain

I am not guilty ____ this crime.
a. with

b. of

c. for

d. on

Have the police looked into the bank ____.
a. mugger

b. theft

c. robbery

d. rob

You’should have a cup of tea, to prevent you ____ cold.
a. to catch

b. catch

c. caught

d. catching

First you should switch the machine ____ before you stop your work.
a. on

b. down

c. up

d. off

The delay was ____ heavy traffic.
a. because

b. due for

c. due to

d. due in

Unemployment / by poor education ( cause – 被动态)


Unemployment / unhappiness (cause – 主动态)


Crime / family break-up (lead)


Poor health / unemployment (due to )


Crime / poor education (because of )


Older people are vulnerable (1) I suggest that if somebody knocks on the door, they (2)put the security chain on the door. If someone comes to the door, you (3)check their identification badges. You (4) to put things like car keys out of sight (5)people can’t see them, and particularly don’t have them near cat flaps (6) people can put their hands through and get the keys.

When he was young, my father 回答 work six days a week.

You 回答 talk during the exam.

You 回答 do the work now; you can do it tomorrow morning.

You 回答 read this book. It’s very good.

You 回答 pass a test before you can drive in the UK.

More and more people (1) to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies (2) people in certain areas to install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the past year. This is (3)to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people (4) are struggling to make (5) ends meet. The alarms, (6) can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is (7) that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan (8)but have not installed them (9) . The insurance companies told people (10) the alarms on all doors and windows.

Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli’s statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _________.
a. part of the world

b. even larger than some countries in the world

c. not a nation at all

d. a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity

London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _________.
a. within 10 years 40% Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups

b. most of Britain’s ethnic minority residents live in London, speaking over 300 languages

c. London accommodates about 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers from many other countries

d. many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds

Why does the writer think new arrivals are an advantage (好处) to London?
a. Because they have regularly increased its character and prosperity.

b. Because they speak different languages

c. Because they are superior (优越) to Londoners in many aspects

d. Because they are unique ethnic minority groups

The passage mainly deals with _________.
a. the advantage of hybrid cultures in London

b. the composition of the population in London

c. the cultural diversity in London

d. the contribution made by the new arrivals to London

The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _________.
a. young people are from different backgrounds

b. young people are raised in a multicultural environment

c. young people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid cultures

d. young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures

The first paragraph tells us _________.
a. when you meet someone for the first time, you should shake hands and say, “How do you do?”

b. what you usually do and say, when you meet an old friend

c. how to greet someone in business situations

d. when to avoid shaking hands and just greeting someone

English people like to talk about the following EXCEPT _________.
a. income and marriage

b. weekend activities

c. weather, holidays,

d. gardens and architecture

If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner, it’s better to _________.
a. take a gift such as chocolates, or flowers if you know them quite well

b. take a bottle of perfume for the hostess if you know her quite well

c. bid a farewell before the last guest leaves if you don’t know them quite well

d. stay until the last moment even if you are not acquainted with the host

The subject matter of the passage is_________.
a. British social customs

b. British way of greeting people

c. good topics for small talk

d. some taboos in Britain

In the last paragraph. the sentence “…, it’s usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group…” means _________.
a. it’s usual to be responsible for the bill all the time

b. it’s usual to pay for a drink one after the other in a group

c. it’s usual to avoid paying the bill for a drink

d. it’s usual to go Dutch

Late a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (到达者) must wait in the classroom.

People are trying to f _ _ _ _ (创建) a new society.

A c _ _ _ _ _ _ (世纪) is a period of 100 years.

It’s r _ _ _ (无礼的) not to say “Thank you” when you are given something.

I don’t like the b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (背景) music.

Chinese c _ _ _ _ _ _ (文化) has already become widely known in the world.

The children were m _ _ _ _ _ _ (使混合) dust and water into mud.

How much do you e _ _ _ (挣得) a month?

It is a v _ _ _ (广大的) desert.

The c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (社区) is sometimes used to mean society in general.

Your 回答 is the kind of education you have had.

The ____ of a country or area is all the people who live in it.

If we say things are ____, they are very different from each other.

Someone who is ____ has the ability to do something well.

If you do something ____, you do it easily.

Your ____ is who you are.

If you are ____, you do something at the right time.

You can refer to the beginning of something as its ____.

A 回答 is a place where passengers begin or end a journey.

If you 回答 a quantity, you guess how much it is.

That matter has already been ___.
a. dealed with

b. deal for

c. dealt with

d. dealt to

You can always ___ me for help if you need.
a. ask

b. tell

c. speak

d. say

Did she get ____ the problems or try to deal with them?
a. down

b. away

c. off

d. around

Oh, time is up and we must go straight _______.
a. off

b. away

c. up

d. on

Does television show the cultural ___ of the country?
a. diversity

b. difference

c. diverse

d. different

She said that, ________, she still loves him.
a. in the sense

b. in a sense

c. in sense

d. in an sense

She is a girl ____ at knitting.
a. skilling

b. skilled

c. skills

d. to skill

They drink whisky ______ with beer.
a. mix with

b. mixing

c. mixed

d. to mix

You can’t use the bike at once—you have to take ______.
a. a turn

b. turn

c. the turns

d. turns

If you drive your car in that way, you’ll end __ in hospital.
a. up

b. down

c. off

d. in

Woody Allen said that money _______ better than poverty, mainly for financial reasons.
a. is

b. was

c. has been

d. will be

Muhammed Ali said it _____ just a job. Grass ______. Birds _____. He ______ people.
a. is… grow… fly… hit

b. was… grew… fly… hit

c. is… grew…flew…hit

d. was…grew…flew…hit

Laurence J. Peter said the modern child _______ answer you back before you _____anything.
a. will… say

b. will.. said

c. would… had said

d. would… said

Guilio Spinetti said every luxury ______ be paid for and everything in life _____ a luxury.
a. must.. is

b. must… was

c. had to… is

d. had to… was

Madonna said she ________ rich and she _________ poor. Rich _____ better.
a. was… was… was

b. had been… had been… was

c. has been… has been…is

d. has been… has been… was

David Frost said television ____ entertainment in your lounge by people you ______ not have in your house.
a. was…would

b. was… will

c. is…would

d. is…will

Why did you come to England?

She asked me 回答.

Have you got a car?

She asked me 回答.

How long have you been studying English?

She asked me 回答.

When did you leave Iran?

She asked me 回答.

Will you get a job in England?

She asked me 回答.

Can you take me for a drive?

She asked me 回答.

Do you have a girlfriend?

She asked me 回答.

Are you staying in England for long?

She asked me 回答.

They are late, 回答?

Something was wrong, 回答?

Paul isn’t the boss, 回答?

She’s coming, 回答?

I haven’t got the ticket, 回答?

There wasn’t enough salad, 回答?

Nobody’s waiting, 回答?

I’m doing this, 回答?

________ these children know the answer.
a. Most

b. Some

c. Most of

d. Few

There wasn’t any paper in the box, _________?
a. wasn’t there

b. was there

c. wasn’t any

d. was any

She asked me whether _________ English.
a. was I

b. am I

c. are you

d. I was

By the end of this year, I _____ enough money for a holiday.
a. will save

b. will be saving

c. will have saved

d. will be saved

He asked me where ________ from.
a. did I came

b. I came

c. do I come

d. I come

He asked me ______ English culture.
a. about

b. of

c. for

d. on

Let’s go to the cinema, ________?
a. will you

b. shan’t we

c. don’t we

d. shall we

Somebody asked her, ___________?
a. did he

b. didn’t they

c. didn’t he

d. did they

I have _____ finished the report.
a. yet

b. already

c. still

d. since

My teacher told me ______ to English people as much as I can to practise my English.
a. talking

b. talk

c. talked

d. to talk

What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The declining divorce rate in the UK.

B. The declining marriage rate in the UK.

C. The increasing divorce rate in the UK.

D. Trends in marriage and divorce in the UK.

During the last ten years, __________.
A. the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK

B. the marriage rate has gone up a lot in the UK

C. 40% of children were born to unwed couples in the UK

D. 40% of children were born to single parents in the UK

According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to __________.
A. decline

B. soar (急剧上升)

C. stay stable

D. not mentioned in the passage

According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The highest divorce rate was around 1969.

B. The marriage rate has gone down in recent years.

C. The marriage rate is currently 70 percent.

D. 90 per cent of lone parent families are headed by women.

The last Para. tells us __________.
A. the birth rate in the UK is increasing at the moment

B. the birth rate in other European countries keeps increasing

C. at present any family in the UK is 2 children at most

D. the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now

Their breakfast from Monday to Saturday usually includes__________
A. toast

B. bacon and eggs

C. tea

D. both A and B

Which of the following is TRUE, based on the passage?
A. Lily’s mother wakes up earlier than her.

B. Lily’s mother reads newspaper over the breakfast.

C. Lily’s mother makes the tea herself every morning.

D. They usually have breakfast together at home.

From the passage, we learn Lily’s mother ___________
A. is good looking

B. goes out very frequently

C. has her hair cut at home

D. can bear the long-time loneliness at home

How does Lily feel about caring about her mother?
A. She regards it as a fantastic job.

B. She is bored with it and thinks about send her to an old people’s home.

C. She feels she is bound (约束) by it but she has no other better choice.

D. None of the above.

There’s no a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (可供选择的办法) but to go on.

Everyone should be allowed f _ _ _ _ _ _ (自由) of choice.

She was a young woman of good a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (外表)

We have b _ _ _ _ (熏肉), eggs and sausage for breakfast.

He has been the c _ _ _ _ (照顾老人的人) for the old man for ten years.

A knife was found at the place of the c _ _ _ _ (犯罪行为) .

She had a d _ _ _ (约会) on Sunday.

The prices on oil d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (下降) .

They got d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (离婚) after only one month of their wedding.

He is making s _ _ _ _ _ (平稳的) progress in his work.

If you____a department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it.

If you 回答 something, you think about it and you have a picture in your mind.

If you do something 回答, you do it in the usual way.

If you feel ____, you feel pleased about something good.

The 回答 of one kind of one thing in a group is the number of things of that kind compared to the total number of things in the group.

A 回答 change is great in amount, or degree.

A 回答 is the people who live in a country and their way of life.

A 回答 is someone who has been hurt or killed.

A 回答 fact or thing is one that is important or shows something.

A 回答 is a person who cuts, colours, and arranges people’s hair.

I was told she _____ her boyfriend.
A. split up

B. divorced with

C. split up with

D. was split up with

These shoes are comfortable ____ pretty.
A. rather and

B. than

C. but rather

D. rather than

We do meet ______, but not regularly.
A. now or again

B. now and again

C. again and now

D. now again

What was she _____yesterday?.
A. robbed of

B. robbed

C. robbed off

D. robbed by

I am _____ be a Chinese.
A. proud of

B. proud for

C. proud to

D. proud on

_____ you still in touch with your old friends?
A. Keep

B. Do

C. Have

D. Are

Who ___ your baby when you went to work?
A. was cared for

B. looked after

C. takes care of

D. cared about

My mother _____ for almost two years.
A. got retired

B. retired

C. has been retired

D. was tired

He __ a teacher’s family.
A. was born in

B. born

C. born from

D. born in

This is _____ conversation.
A. personal

B. a private

C. a myself

D. an own

After the last war there was a sharp rise in the population.

After the last war the population 回答.

During the last ten years there has been a significant rise in women’s wages.

During the last ten years women’s wages 回答.

Since last October there has been a slow fall in inflation.

Since last October inflation 回答.

Last year there was a slight increase in the average wage.

The average wage 回答 last year.

In the last 100 years there has been a slow decline in the birthrate.

In the last 100 years the birthrate 回答.

Last century there was a rapid rise in life expectancy.

Life expectancy 回答 last century.

1. Unemployment fell 1.5 million last year. It fell 4.5 million 3 million. It has already fallen half a million this year, 2.5 million this month.


now and again



from time to time





not often

hardly ever

I lived with my parents, then I 回答( leave ) home for the first time when I went to university.

My brother 回答( loose) his job three times in the recession (经济衰退期).

I 回答 (get divorced) in 1995 when my son was five years old, but his father still lives very near and he sees his son now and then.

My mother回答(retire )before my father when she was 60.

My grandmother was 93 when she回答(die ).

We 回答 ( move) house three years ago when my husband got a job in another city.

1What does this passage mainly deal with?
A. How to take care of the old people.

B. Lily’s daily experience as a carer of her 91-year-old mother.

C. Whether Lily should send her mother to the old people’s home.

D. What Lily’s mother’s daily life is like.

This word is not in c _ _ _ _ _ (当前的) use.

At school his s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (专长) is mathematics.

She has no i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (兴趣) in him.

The meeting was a complete f _ _ _ _ _ _ (失败) .

His mother has a good i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (影响) on him.

Our car is a p _ _ _ _ _ _ (产品) of that factory.

We meet sometimes, but not r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (定期地).

What more do you r _ _ _ _ _ _ (要求) me to do?

The doctor is not a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (有空做某事 ) now.

The factory was built for the m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (制造) of cars.

Something that is ___ is suitable for a particular situation.

If you ___ about something, you ask for information about it.

A ___ is a relationship between two things, or people.

A 回答 is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time.

Something that is ____ to a person is important to that person.

The ____ of a race, or competition is the person that wins it.

The ____ is the last game and decides who is the winner.

If you __ something with a letter, you put it in the same envelope.

To ____ something means to make it in a factory.

If you ____ someone, you use your power to make them agree with you.

Please find __ a brochure in the letter.
a. enclosed

b. enclose

c. enclosing

d. to close

He __ me to help him with his English.
a. request

b. enquired

c. asked

d. inquired

I am sorry I am not available __ the party on Sunday.
a. to

b. for

c. of

d. at

Buying a second-hand car can be a __ business.
a. danger

b. dangerous

c. risky

d. risk

I don’t think what you said __ the topic.
a. be relevant to

b. is relevant for

c. is relevant to

d. relevant to

We were playing games on the computer when he ___.
a. burst in

b. burst to

c. burst into

d. bursted in

Parents have great influence __ their children.
a. for

b. to

c. with

d. on

When I looked ___, it wasn’t such a bad experience.
a. over

b. back

c. up

d. on

I am told you are going to take __ new members of staff.
a. to

b. for

c. up

d. on

He was __ about his new car.
a. over the moon

b. above the moon

c. over moon

d. on the moon

The ancient Olympic Games (1) (hold, always) in Olympia, Greece. Today the modern Olympic Games (2) (hold) in a different city every four years. A number of cities bid to stage the games. This is known as the ‘bidding process’.The right to host (主办) an Olympic Games (3)(award) to a city. The city (4) (choose) by the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The bid of any city (5)(support) by that country’s National Olympic Committee. Only one city from a country (6) (allow) to bid for the games. Then the city (7) (consider) by the IOC. The host city (8) (select) by the IOC seven years before the games (9) (hold).

Steve Redgrave won five gold medals, 回答 number ever won by a British competitor. (high)

Maurice Green was 回答 man in the world in 2000. At the Sydney Olympics, he ran 100 metres in 9.87 seconds. (fast)

Ben Johnson ran 回答 than this in 1988, but was disqualified because of drug abuse. (fast)

At the moment, Dwain Chambers, a British man, is a 回答 runner than Maurice Green. (good)

Yang Yang, the Chinese woman speed skater, skated her personal 回答 time in the 2002 Winter Olympics and won two gold medals. (good)

Bob Beamon won a gold medal in Mexico when he did 回答 jump ever. (long)

The 回答 gold medal winner is Carl Lewis of the USA. He won gold medals every Olympics from 1984 to 1996. (consistent)

China usually wins a 回答 number of medals in table tennis than any other country. (high)

回答 is my favourite first date.

回答 makes me fall in love.

回答 makes me cry.

回答 is the most annoying habit in a boyfriend / girlfriend.

回答 is a good reason to split up.

The modern Olympic Games (1) (stage) once every four years. The games always (2) (take place) at a different venue. The modern games come from the ancient games which (3) (hold) at Olympia. They (4) (ban) in AD 393 by the Roman emperor because they were pagan. They were started again by Pierre de Fredi, Baron de Coubertin in 1896, but (5) (suspend) during the two World Wars.

1. If I (go) to the party, I _ (meet) you at 10 o’clock.

Sandra: You should drink water with wine in the pub.

Jola: Why / better if


Sandra: You should invite people to your house for dinner.

Jola: What / I cook if


Sandra: You should bring a snack to work.

Jola: What / I make if


Sandra: You should have a diet coke(健怡可乐) (in the evenings.)

Jola: Why / better if


a. (1) a gym near work and go twice a week. The lunchtime session should be a class. The evening session should combine weights and aerobic machines.

They 回答 ( advise) to go to the gym by the doctor because they are unfit.

You 回答 (sit) here doing nothing for hours! Why don’t you do some exercise?

Good News! I 回答(tell) by the doctor I am now normal weight.

We 回答 (go) to that gym every week for a year.

Today she 回答(stop) people to ask them some market research questions.

“Have you got the new membership forms (会员表)?”

“Yes. They 回答 (reprint) and are on the table over there.”

He 回答 (take) to the gym by Sally so that he can join.

I 回答 ( phone) the club all morning

A study (1) that fitness is the key (2) long life, irrespective of body shape or even smoking habits. Researchers discovered that people (3) exercise live longer than those who do not, (4) they are overweight and smoke.



