【电大作业代做】新疆一体化 01879 综合英语(4) 网上在线形考作业

1.First,he had another______to fulfill:he hadn’t finished the book yet.
denial impression obligation success

2.He told me he was reading a(n)______story by a young writer.
original determined extensive ulti.nate

3.In Britain people______four million ton of potatoes every year.
swallow conclude dispose consume

4.We take our skin for granted until it is burned______repair.
without under for beyond

5.The computer revolution may well change society as______as did the Industrial Revolution.
certainly fundamentally insignificantly comparatively

6.He is______about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics in 2008.
optimistic optional outstanding obvious

7.It is our______policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means.
considerate comparative consistent continual

8.Rational,insistent,and emotional statements all have one thing______.
in good each other for common in common

9.The popularity of fresh,exotic foods is also______a demand by diners for healthier,less-fatty foods.
superior to due to used to instead of

10.The car he had just serviced______in a smoke screen of warm air hitting the cold night.
took place broke out pulled away gave in

11.______she realized it was too late to go home.
No sooner it grew dark than Scarcely had it grown dark than Hardly did it grow dark that It was not until dark that

12.I don’t think it advisable that Tom______to the job since he has no experience.
has been assigned be assigned will be assigned is assigned

13.We must prepare him for the bad news______his mother is critically ill.
that what which why

14.This would lead,______,to a price increase of not less than 15%.
to be equal to other things were other things equal other things being equal other things to be equal

15.The man in the corner confessed to______you go out every night you can’t see all of it.
have told has told having told be told

16.Had the driver been careless,all the passengers______.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
would have been killed should have been killed must have killed could have been killed

17.Only under special circumstances______to take make up tests.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
freshmen are permitted permitted are freshmen are permitted freshmen are freshmen permitted

18.Another attempt______the mountain will be made next year.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
climbing to climb having climbed to be climbed

19.It was cold,but______,we enjoyed the garden party.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
even though though even so therefore

20.The little man was______one meter fifty high.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
almost more than nearly more than as much as hardly more than

21.Law and medicine are______professions in most countries.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
respectable respectful respective repetitive

22.I have an______that his mother knows the truth.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
intuition institution invention psychology

23.It is such a______day that he can hardly do anything right.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
cheerful hopeful greedy gloomy

24.In his______time,Dr.Stockton reads all the books that he can lay his hands on.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
light casual leisure easy

25.I saw a traffic______this morning.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
event accident conflict damage

26.Todd saw the headlights coming at him as the car swung into the station and pulled up slowly at the pump.此句正确的汉译为:Todd看到(一辆)轿车的灯光冲着他急驰而来,轿车驶入加油站,在加油泵旁边慢慢停了下来。
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27.Once the possible sources of evidence are identified,investigators must be careful to protect them..此句正确的汉译为:一旦发现任何可能的线索,调查人员一定要保护好该线索。
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28.His proficiency with different languages,while an essential part of his worldwide acceptance,sometimes causes him problems.此句正确的汉译为:他对不同语言的熟练使用让他在世界各地受到广泛关注,但是有时也会引起一些问题。
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29.如果复印是秘书而不是助理的工作,很显然,他(她)是在刻意提醒助理谁才是老板。此句正确的英译为:If photocopying is the secretary’s responsibility,not the assistant’s,the manager is obviously going out of his or her way to remind the assistant who is the boss.
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30.无论是在工作中还是在处理个人关系的时候,人们似乎在重复儿时的模式的时候相处得最为融洽。此句正确的英译为:Both at work and in personal relationships,people seem to get along best when they repeat the patterns of childhood.
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31.A space station will be designed so that many people can live and work for a longer time than they would be able to in an ordinary crowded spacecraft.此句正确的汉译为:太空站使得人们在上面生活和工作的时间能够比在拥挤的太空飞行器上更长。
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32.The possibility of finding something truly valuable before anybody else does makes shopping at a flea market a treasure hunt.此句正确的汉译为:在跳蚤市场上有可能先于别人找到一些真正物美价廉的东西,这样,到跳蚤市场选购商品会成为一次不错的“寻宝”经历。
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33.This and other research suggests that firstborn children generally become more conservative than their siblings because they receive more of the parental discipline.此句正确的汉译为:这项研究以及其他研究都表明,先出生的孩子一般都要比他们的弟弟或妹妹更保守,因为父母对他们的管束比较多。
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34.到现在为止,保存最好的史料记载的古代技术来源于古希腊和古罗马。此句正确的英译为:By far the best-documented technology of the ancient world was that of Greeks and Romans.
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35.尽管体育锻炼会让人精疲力竭,但是它并不一定保证会有一晚上酣睡。此句正确的英译为:Even though it tires you out,exercise won’t maintain a sound sleep.
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36.为了那些迟到的人,我将把计划再讲一遍。此句正确的英译为:For the benefit of those who arrived late,I’ll just speak the plan again.
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37.并不是每个人都认同我们需要建设太空站,更不用说太空城市了。此句正确的英译为:Not everyone agrees that we even need a space station,even not speaking of space cities.
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38.People feel more self-confident and more willing to take chances about being innovative when they know what to expect from their bosses.此句正确的汉译为:如果事先知道了老板会是什么态度,员工们便会更加自觉并且胆大妄为地去创新。
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39.Today the evidence of forensic scientists ranges from footprints to blood samples,from hair analyses to identification of bite marks.此句正确的汉译为:今天,法医专家们寻找的证据从脚印到血样、从头发的分析到牙齿咬过的痕迹。
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40.I’m not cut out for city life.此句正确的汉译为:我非常向往城市生活。
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