【电大作业代做】国开网 cai英语(1) 网上在线形考作业

Even those _____ praise Poe agree that there are many difficulties in his work.(难度系数:易)
a. that

b. whom

c. which

d. who

SUE: No, it isn’t. ALAN: Yes, it is. EILEEN: No, it isn’t, Alan. I read that book many years ago. ALAN: Dad? MARTIN: Don’t ask me. I don’t want to say. I read it too. Alan, when are you coming home? ALAN: In the morning. At nine o’clock. EILEEN: Are you going to have breakfast? ALAN: Yes. EILEEN: When are you going to have breakfast? ALAN: We’re going to have breakfast there, in the morning. _____ is your meeting, dad? (难度系数:易)
a. What

b. Who

c. Where

d. When

MARTIN: The meeting is at eleven o’clock. ALAN: May I come home at eleven o’clock? You can meet me at the Itoh’s house. MARTIN: No. You come home at nine o’clock. I want you to come before my meeting. ALAN: OK. SUE: Alan, can you come to the movies with us? ALAN: When are you going to the movies? SUE: At four o’clock. ALAN: What movie are you going to _____? (难度系数:易)
a. observe

b. look at

c. see

d. look

The UN Population Fund says international policies need to be _____ into effect to improve poor conditions.(难度系数:易)
a. make

b. take

c. put

d. work

MARTIN: No, I don’t. It’s too green. I don’t like green dresses. EILEEN: OK. Let’s look over there. MARTIN: Do you like green? EILEEN: Green dresses? I don’t know. Sometimes. MARTIN: I want to buy a shirt. EILEEN: Do you want a shirt for work? MARTIN: No, I want a shirt for tennis. EILEEN: Do you want a white shirt? MARTIN: I don’t know. No, I don’t like white. EILEEN: What color do you want? MARTIN: I don’t know. What don’t you like? EILEEN: I don’t like red tennis shirts. I like blue or green. Do you like green shirts? MARTIN: No, I don’t. I like blue. EILEEN: Let’s look for blue. EILEEN: Oh, look! _____ those yellow pants? (难度系数:易)
a. Observe

b. Look

c. Watch

d. See

The company expects to sell all the products 回答 the end of the year.(难度系数:易)

The study has special importance 回答 scientists trying to develop medicines. (难度系数:易)

SUE: We’re going to see the Walt Disney movie. ALAN: That’s for children. SUE: Daddy’s going with me. ALAN: I don’t want to see a movie for children. EILEEN: Alan, it’s not for children. ALAN: I have to study in the afternoon. SUE: Can you study in the evening? ALAN: I have to study in the afternoon and in the evening. SUE: When are you going to study? ALAN: I’m going to study after lunch and after dinner. EILEEN: When are you going to _____? (难度系数:易)
a. working

b. worked

c. work

d. works

It is a famous book _____ Shakespeare.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. by

c. in

d. from

ALAN: I’m not going to work tomorrow. I have to work on Monday. EILEEN: When are you going to work on Monday? ALAN: At seven-thirty. MARTIN: _____ the evening? ALAN: No. In the morning. EILEEN: Before school? ALAN: Of course. I’m going to work at seven-thirty and then I’m going to school at eight-thirty. MARTIN: I don’t like you to work in the morning. ALAN: I’m going to work only this week.(难度系数:易)
a. In

b. By

c. On

d. At

The _____ is most unusual.(难度系数:易)
a. finds

b. finding

c. founding

d. found

LAURI: Everything. LUIS: No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like opera. MARTIN: Let’s talk ____ music. First, let’s talk about your music. Lauri, you’re a singer. (难度系数:易)
a. about

b. of

c. with

d. like

LAURI: That’s right. But I’m a musician too. MARTIN: Do you play an instrument? LAURI: Yes, I do. LUIS: She plays several instruments very well. MARTIN: What do you play, Lauri? LAURI: I play the guitar. I play the piano, but not very well. I play the flute. LUIS: She plays many flutes. MARTIN: What ____ you mean? (难度系数:易)
a. had

b. was

c. do

d. did

LUIS: She can play wooden flutes, bamboo flutes, classical flutes. Everything. LAURI: I like the flute. I play folk music on the flute. Do you like folk music? MARTIN: Yes, I do. Let’s listen to some folk music. LUIS: That’s very nice. LAURI: I like that. LUIS: OK. You like folk music. You like the flute. You play the guitar. You play the piano. You sing. Do you like to sing? LAURI: Oh, yes! LUIS: She sings very well. We need a singer. MARTIN: Of course. But you sing, Luis. LUIS: Not very well. I like to sing. But I don’t sing very well. Lauri sings very well. LAURI: Thank you. That’s nice. LUIS: My mother is an opera singer. But I can’t sing very well. MARTIN: Does your mother like your music? LUIS: No, she doesn’t. MARTIN: Do you like opera? LUIS: Yes, I do. MARTIN: You play the guitar. Can you play ____ instruments? (难度系数:易)
a. theirs

b. their

c. others

d. other

LUIS:Yes, I can. We need a guitar. I play the guitar very well. Lauri plays the guitar too. LAURI:We both sing. MARTIN:Do you like this music? Listen. MARTIN:Do you like that music?LUIS:I like it.LAURI:I love it! LUIS:Love it? LAURI:Yes. LUIS:It’s OK.MARTIN:One likes it. One loves it. Luis, do you play the keyboard? LUIS:No, I don’t. MARTIN:Lauri, do you play the keyboard.LAURI:I don’t play it very well.LUIS:Stacy plays the keyboard. MARTIN:Stacy plays ____ your band.LAURI:He’s a wonderful musician.MARTIN:Where is Stacy today?LUIS:He’s visiting his family.MARTIN:Where is his home?LAURI:He lives in Detroit.(难度系数:易)
a. of

b. with

c. in

d. at

Scientists report that genetic material from genetically engineered plants can spread _____ great distances to native plants.(难度系数:易)
a. cross

b. across

c. from

d. out

The scientists say the genes were found in wild corn _____ in the mountains of southern Mexico.(难度系数:易)
a. being growing

b. been growing

c. growing

d. grow

MOTHER:Hello.MARTIN:Hello, mother.MOTHER:Martin! This is ____ nice surprise.(难度系数:易)
a. an

b. so

c. a

d. /

MARTIN: How are you? MOTHER: Fine. How are you? MARTIN: Fine thanks. How is father? MOTHER: He’s fine. MARTIN: Is he there? MOTHER: Yes. How is Eileen? MARTIN: She’s fine. MOTHER: How are the children? MARTIN: They’re fine. MOTHER: May I talk to them? MARTIN: No. I’m not at home. MOTHER: ____ are you? (难度系数:易)
a. What

b. Who

c. When

d. Where

The farmers _____ planted the genetically engineered crops since 1990s.(难度系数:易)
a. having

b. had

c. have

d. has

The United States supports growing genetically engineered crops. ____ does China.(难度系数:易)
a. As

b. Much

c. So

d. It

MARTIN: I’m in Boston. I’m writing a story about baseball. MOTHER: That’s very nice. Did you talk to the players? MARTIN: Yes, I did. What are you doing? MOTHER: We’re ____ the house. (难度系数:易)
a. paint

b. painted

c. painting

d. paints

Genetic material from genetically engineered plants can spread _____ native plants.(难度系数:易)
a. on

b. to

c. at

d. in

EILEEN: Did you finish your work? MARTIN: Yes, I did. Where are the children? EILEEN: Sue is reading. Alan is dressing. MARTIN: Dressing? EILEEN: _____ the party. He’s going to a party tonight. (难度系数:易)
a. For

b. In

c. To

d. Like

Foreign language teachers are interested _____ how children learn to speak their native language.(难度系数:易)
a. on

b. by

c. in

d. with

Walking can’t compare _____ flying.(难度系数:易)
a. by

b. out

c. to

d. with

MARTIN: Oh, yes. That’s right. When is the party? EILEEN: The party begins at ten o’clock. MARTIN: Is he dressing now? It’s only seven o’clock. EILEEN: I know. But he’s dressing. The party is important. Martin, are you going to take Sue to the movies tomorrow? MARTIN: I can. Does she want to go tomorrow? EILEEN: Yes, she does. When is your meeting tomorrow? MARTIN: _____ the morning. (难度系数:易)
a. To

b. In

c. For

d. On

They work ____ the project at all times.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. on

c. to

d. with

MARTIN: Who is painting? MOTHER: Your father is painting outside. I’m painting inside. MARTIN: Can you do that? MOTHER: Yes. It’s a small house. MARTIN: But you’re not young. MOTHER: Your brother Phillip is coming on Saturday. He’s going to help. MARTIN: That’s good. Did you go to the park last week? MOTHER: No, we didn’t. It’s ____ expensive. We worked in the garden. (难度系数:易)
a. quiet

b. much

c. too much

d. too

Millions of words have been written ____ young people in the United Stated.(难度系数:易)
a. with

b. /

c. for

d. about

EILEEN: When is the meeting? MARTIN: At eleven o’clock. EILEEN: Can you go to the movies in the afternoon? MARTIN: Yes, I can. When? EILEEN: At four o’clock. MARTIN: OK. EILEEN: Sue wants to go to Jennifer’s house tomorrow. She can go in the morning. MARTIN: When is dinner? EILEEN: You didn’t eat lunch. Do you want dinner? MARTIN: Very much! EILEEN: Dinner is _____ seven-thirty. (难度系数:易)
a. during

b. in

c. on

d. at

MARTIN: I phoned on Saturday. Where were you? MOTHER: We went shopping. MARTIN: What did you buy? MOTHER: We bought paint. MARTIN: May I talk to father? MOTHER: Yes. Here he is. FATHER: Hello, Martin. MARTIN: Hello, how are you? FATHER: Fine. Are you coming to visit? MARTIN: No. I’m working. FATHER: Where are you? MARTIN: I’m in Boston. I’m writing a story about baseball. FATHER: Boston? I like Chicago. MARTIN: I know. Did you see the baseball game on Saturday? FATHER: Yes. I watched the game ____ television. (难度系数:易)
a. with

b. in

c. on

d. within

Compared _____ last year, the production of genetically engineered crops is increasing this year.(难度系数:易)
a. by

b. with

c. to

d. for

MARTIN: Wonderful! Very nice. LUIS: Do you like rock music? MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like all music. ___ do you like? (难度系数:易)
a. Who

b. When

c. Where

d. What

A new study _____ Teenage Research Unlimited says thirty-one percent of Americans between the ages of twelve and nineteen already use a cell phone.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. /

c. by

d. of

The United Nations Population Fund is responsible _____ studying population growth.(难度系数:易)
a. with

b. of

c. for

d. as

The Microsoft company recently _____ its new video game system called Xbox.(难度系数:易)
a. restarted

b. released

c. relieved

d. relaxed

SUE: Hi. May I come in? MARTIN: Of course. SUE: Did you finish your work? MARTIN: Yes, I did. SUE: Can we go to the movies tomorrow? MARTIN: Yes, we can. SUE: When? MARTIN: In the afternoon. SUE: Can we go at six o’clock? I want to go to Jennifer’s house. MARTIN: That’s very late. You have school on Monday. Let’s go at four o’clock. SUE: _____ can I go to Jennifer’s house? (难度系数:易)
a. Where

b. How

c. When

d. With whom

The population is expected to increase _____ more than nine-thousand-million by the year Two-Thousand-Fifty.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. up

c. as

d. to

One important part of the celebration is _____ and receiving gifts.(难度系数:易)
a. giving

b. showing

c. making

d. naming

EILEEN: You can go to Jennifer’s house in the morning. SUE: May I phone Jennifer now? EILEEN: No. It’s time for dinner. SUE: When may I phone her? EILEEN: After dinner. SUE: When is dinner? EILEEN: At seven-thirty. MARTIN: In a few minutes. SUE: OK. I’m going to read. EILEEN: I’m going to finish dinner. Come _____ me. (难度系数:易)
a. helping

b. helped

c. helps

d. help

He cared 回答 farm animals in the mountains almost all his life. (难度系数:易)

A new report also says that the total land area _____ such crops are grown is increasing.(难度系数:易)
a. within

b. which

c. where

d. with

All of the _____ growth in world population will take place in developing countries.(难度系数:易)
a. expectation

b. expecting

c. expected

d. expect

The new video game called Game Cube ____ the Nintendo company is released this year.(难度系数:易)
a. against

b. by

c. for

d. with

The video game called Xbox is designed ____ young people.(难度系数:易)
a. to

b. with

c. over

d. for

Pressure ____ the environment should be eased.(难度系数:易)
a. of

b. in

c. on

d. beyond

CARA: Hello, Martin. Did you finish your story? MARTIN: Yes, I did. I worked on Saturday. CARA: When did you finish? MARTIN: I finished in the evening. WALEED: Hello, Cara, Martin. CARA: Hi, Waleed. MARTIN: Good morning, Waleed. How are you? WALEED: Fine thanks. Did you have a nice weekend? CARA: Wonderful. MARTIN: I worked. WALEED: Did you work at the office? MARTIN: No, I worked at home. I finished a story. WALEED: I can’t work _____ the weekend. The children are very noisy. (难度系数:易)
a. within

b. on

c. of

d. for

They have a large dinner, _____ is the main part of the celebration.(难度系数:易)
a. this

b. which

c. then

d. it

He had a great influence _____ many French writers, including the poets Charles-Pierre Baudelaire and Stephane Mallarme.(难度系数:易)
a. in

b. over

c. to

d. on

Poe died two years _____, at the age of forty.(难度系数:易)
a. later

b. /

c. then

d. after

It comes into the room like the spirit of death and _____.(难度系数:易)
a. hopeless

b. hopelessness

c. hopefulness

d. hope

The study team hopes to identify [find out] genetic material in the blood that can be linked ____successful aging. (难度系数:易)

The alcohol had a very bad effect ______ him.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. on

c. in

d. over

They like _____ able to talk to their children and to know where they are and what they are doing at all times.(难度系数:易)
a. /

b. be

c. been

d. being

HOWARD: Good morning, everybody. OTHERS: Good morning, Howard. Hi. Good morning. How are you? HOWARD: Where are you going this week, Martin? MARTIN: Pittsburgh. HOWARD: When are you going? MARTIN: I’m going on Tuesday. CARA: I’m going to work now. There’s a meeting _____ morning. (难度系数:易)
a. in

b. that

c. this

d. on

This might threaten recovered cancer patients 回答 aging sooner than normal. (难度系数:易)

Young cancer patients are treated 回答 chemotherapy. (难度系数:易)

MARTIN: In the window? Yes, I see them. EILEEN: Do you like them? MARTIN: Yes, I do. Do you want those pants? EILEEN: I don’t know. MARTIN: Do you want them for work? EILEEN: Do you really like them? MARTIN: They’re OK. EILEEN: OK? You don’t like them? MARTIN: Yes, I _____. I really like them. Let’s go inside. (难度系数:易)
a. like

b. have

c. know

d. do

The UN Population Fund says these measures would help improve the _____ of growing populations while protecting the natural world.(难度系数:易)
a. being

b. well been

c. well being

d. well

The financial experts were there to examine the country’s economic crisis and how the new government is dealing 回答 it.(难度系数:易)

The International Monetary Fund was created [formed] in part to deal 回答 problems like this. In Nineteen-Forty-Five, twenty-nine countries signed [ratified] an agreement establishing [setting up] the organization.(难度系数:易)

Mister Todde was one-hundred-twelve years old. He was less than three weeks away ____ his one-hundred-thirteenth birthday. Record-keeping experts say {that} he was the world’s oldest man. (难度系数:易)

He was less than three weeks away 回答 his one-hundred-thirteenth birthday. (难度系数:易)

The population increased 回答 10% per year.(难度系数:易)

EILEEN: Do you like them for the office? MARTIN: I don’t know. EILEEN: I don’t like them _____ the office. Thank you very much. I’m going to look some more. (难度系数:易)
a. about

b. with

c. for

d. to

It is also possible _____ send instant messages on new devices called text phones.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. to

c. /

d. as

___ the top of the list that people will choose as a Christmas gift is the mobile phone.(难度系数:易)

CLERK: May I help you? EILEEN: I want to buy some yellow pants. CLERK: Here. Look at these. EILEEN: No, I don’t like those. CLERK: Do you want another color? These green pants are very beautiful. EILEEN: No, thank you. My husband doesn’t like green. MARTIN: I like green. EILEEN: You didn’t like the green dress. MARTIN: That’s right. I didn’t like the green dress. But I like green. CLERK: Do you like these green pants? MARTIN: They’re OK. EILEEN: He doesn’t like them. MARTIN: Do you like them? EILEEN: No, I don’t. I don’t like them for work. CLERK: Do you want another color? EILEEN: I like the yellow pants in the window. CLERK: Oh, yes. They are very nice. Wait a minute please. I’m going to get them for you. EILEEN: Do you really like them, Martin? MARTIN: Yes, I _____. (难度系数:易)
a. do

b. am

c. was

d. have

A plant may be genetically engineered to _____ insects.(难度系数:易)
A. resisting

B. resists

C. resist

D. against

It says empowering women would _____ smaller families and slower population growth.(难度系数:易)
a. lead to

b. as a result

c. result

d. lead

It also says women need more control 回答 their lives.(难度系数:易)

The technology experts show teachers and students how _ use computers.(难度系数:易)

The technology is _____ threat for human health and the environment.(难度系数:易)
a. a

b. like

c. /

d. an

Millions _____ American families will celebrate the holiday.(难度系数:易)
a. for

b. by

c. of

d. /

It says a child _____ today in the United States, France or Japan will do more harm to the environment during his lifetime than as many as fifty children _____ in developing countries.(难度系数:易)
a. born / bore

b. bore / bore

c. born / born

d. bore / born

Another welcome gift _____ Christmas this year is called a pocket personal computer.(难度系数:易)
a. as

b. for

c. about

d. by

The children use their pocket personal computer to do homework ___ all times.(难度系数:易)

The Mexican government has _____ the planting of genetically engineered corn since Nineteen-Ninety-Eight. (难度系数:易)
a. banned

b. been ban

c. being banned

d. ban

EILEEN: Did you finish your book, Sue? SUE: Yes, I did. ALAN: Did you like it? I read that book four years ago. SUE: Yes, I liked it. ALAN: That book is _____ boys. (难度系数:易)
a. about

b. for

c. with

d. to

Increasing numbers of farmers are growing ____ engineered crops.(难度系数:易)
a. genetically

b. genetics

c. genetical

d. genetic

MARTIN: I don’t like to work on weekends. CARA: Martin, when are you going to Pittsburgh? MARTIN: On Tuesday. WALEED: Are you working on a story? MARTIN: Yes, I’m writing a story about Pittsburgh. WALEED: Didn’t you write a story about Pittsburgh last year? MARTIN: Yes, I did. I _____ a story three years ago too. I visit Pittsburgh often. Sometimes I write a story. I want to see the changes. (难度系数:易)
a. had written

b. written

c. write

d. wrote

Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most in the future _____ environment damage is stopped.(难度系数:易)
a. then

b. as if

c. as

d. unless

Genetic material in the blood can be linked 回答 successful aging. (难度系数:易)

Scientists say it probably will _____ years before we have a list of the genes that control human biology.(难度系数:易)
a. make

b. use

c. have

d. take

WALEED: Has it changed? MARTIN: Yes, it has changed. I wrote a story ten years ago too. WALEED: Pardon? MARTIN: Ten years ago. CARA: When did you first visit Pittsburgh? MARTIN: In 1975. I _____ with my father to a baseball game. (难度系数:易)
a. goes

b. going

c. go

d. went

“Nature” magazine published the comments of two independent experts ____ the results of the Baylor team research. (难度系数:易)

The Italian island of Sardinia recently lost its oldest citizen. Family members say {that} Antonio Todde died ___ his sleep early this month.(难度系数:易)

Video game sales this year will ____ new records.(难度系数:易)

There is _____ conflicting information about genetically engineered crops.(难度系数:易)
a. very

b. often

c. many

d. plenty of

EILEEN: Let’s walk on this street. I want to buy a new dress. MARTIN: Do you want a dress for work? EILEEN: Yes, I want a dress for the office. Stop. Look at that dress _____ the window. Do you like that dress? (难度系数:易)
a. on

b. at

c. for

d. in

The second major finding was an unusual rate of female to male centenarians. Sardinia has two women centenarians ____ every male centenarian. In central Sardinia there are equal numbers of female and male centenarians. (难度系数:易)

Reports say each company expects to sell more than one million _____ the end of the holiday season.(难度系数:易)
a. about

b. with

c. of

d. by

It also says women need more control _____ their lives.(难度系数:易)
a. to

b. about

c. over

d. as

HOWARD: When is the meeting? CARA: It’s at eleven forty-five. WALEED: Eleven forty-five? When is our meeting, Martin? MARTIN: Our meeting is at eleven forty-five. WALEED: Can we _____ our meeting? MARTIN: Of course. What time do you want to meet? WALEED: Can we meet at eleven o’clock? MARTIN: Yes, we can. Do you want to meet in your office? WALEED: Can we meet in your office? MARTIN: When are we going to finish? WALEED: Before the other meeting. (难度系数:易)
a. take

b. move

c. change

d. get

Studies in other parts of the world have shown a much higher percentage of female centenarians. The Akea study collected information about the health and diet [food] of about one-hundred-forty of the centenarians. About ninety percent of those in the study also agreed ____ provide blood for scientific testing.(难度系数:易)

Sardinia has two women centenarians 回答 every male centenarian. (难度系数:易)

The second major finding was an unusual rate of female 回答 male centenarians. (难度系数:易)

It says a child born today in the United States, France or Japan will do more harm ____the environment during his lifetime than as many as fifty children born in developing countries.(难度系数:易)

About ninety percent of those in the study also agreed to provide blood 回答 scientific testing. (难度系数:易)

It examines the links among environmental conditions, population growth and efforts to help poor people ____developing countries.(难度系数:易)

Professor Deiana and his team started ___ collect [gather] information for the study in Nineteen-Ninety-Seven. They identified [discovered, found out] more than two-hundred-twenty Sardinians who were centenarians– one-hundred years old or older. (难度系数:易)

For example, a plant may be genetically engineered ____ resist [protect against] insects.(难度系数:易)

The report says all of the expected growth in world population will take place ___ developing countries.(难度系数:易)

回答 fifty years, experts say more than four-thousand million people will be living in countries that can not meet people’s daily needs.(难度系数:易)

It says empowering women would lead 回答 smaller families and slower population growth.(难度系数:易)

The policies of controlling population should be put 回答 effect.(难度系数:易)

His team required [wanted, called for] three documents ____ confirm [verify] a person’s age. They are a government birth record, a church record and a statement by a close [dear, intimate] family member. (难度系数:易)

The population of the country is as large ____ 40 million.(难度系数:易)

A bicycle can be used to ride from one place to another and left ____ someone else to ride.(难度系数:易)

They say more should be done ____ balance human and environmental needs.(难度系数:易)

The world’s population is now more____ six-thousand-million people.(难度系数:易)

The United Nations Population Fund is responsible ____ studying population growth.(难度系数:易)

The Akea study has produced two major [important] findings. The first is Sardinia’s extremely high number of centenarians. The island has about one-hundred-thirty-five centenarians ___ every one-million people. In other western countries, the average [mean, median] is about seventy-five centenarians for every one-million people. (难度系数:易)

They promised ____ cooperate [work together] on international financial issues and to help expand international trade.(难度系数:易)

Officials call the bus a “Mobile Internet Unit” because students can use it to connect _ the Worldwide Web.(难度系数:易)

Experts say poor people around the world will suffer most ____the future unless environmental damage is stopped.(难度系数:易)

It may kill damaged cells that might develop 回答 tumors. (难度系数:易)

Sustainable cities try to make ___ possible for people to easily move around without using cars.(难度系数:易)

The Akea study collected information 回答 the health and diet of about one-hundred-forty of the centenarians.(难度系数:易)

Cities ____ were part of Mr. Beatley’s study have some things in common.(难度系数:易)

There is plenty of conflicting [contradicting] information 回答 genetically engineered crops.(难度系数:易)

More people are using more of the Earth’s natural resources____ ever before.(难度系数:易)

The UN Population Fund says international policies need to be put 回答 effect to improve poor conditions, increase social development and ease pressure on the environment.(难度系数:易)

The Microsoft company recently 回答 its new video game system called Xbox.(难度系数:易)

The goal of the bus is to increase technology knowledge among teachers and students _ poor farming areas.(难度系数:易)

A protein that protects animals 回答 cancer early in life may later cause extreme aging. (难度系数:易)

That number has increased ____ one-hundred percent since Nineteen-Sixty.(难度系数:易)

Genetic engineering is the technology of changing the genes ____ living things.(难度系数:易)

The centers of these cities are not left partly empty as ____ most American cities.(难度系数:易)

Overusing natural resources will lead 回答 the suffering of the future generation.(难度系数:易)

A new report says the growing population _the world is harming [damaging] the environment.(难度系数:易)

The population is expected 回答 increase to more than nine-thousand-million by the year Two-Thousand-Fifty.(难度系数:易)

The mice 回答 extra p-fifty-three aged sooner than normal. (难度系数:易)

The I-M-F also seeks [tries to find ways] 回答 help countries pay their debts when they are experiencing [undergoing] economic problems. In return, governments usually must take action that the I-M-F thinks will help solve the problems.(难度系数:易)

Genes are parts of cells ____ control growth and development.(难度系数:易)

to provide for people 的中文翻译是”供养人们”(难度系数:易)


His long life and that [the long life] of other very old Sardinians is the subject of a scientific project {that is} called Akea. Luca Deiana of Sassari University is directing [commanding] the study. He says {that} the name Akea comes 回答 a traditional greeting on Sardinia. It means “health and life for one-hundred years.” (难度系数:易)

Cities have been described ___ organisms that use up resources and produce wastes.(难度系数:易)

Study leaders say there is no single reason why people on Sardinia live so long. They believe that the answer is a combination ___ genetic and environmental conditions. (难度系数:易)

We have plenty of time to catch the train.的中文翻译是:我们有充分的时间赶火车。 (难度系数:易)


to increase to more than nine million的中文翻译是: 满足人们的需求(难度系数:易)


Many American young people want to 回答 electronic gifts.(难度系数:易)

Other scientists have long argued 回答the number of human genes. (难度系数:易)

to leave a bicycle for somebody else to ride 的中文翻译是”使做某事可能/容易”(难度系数:易)


to leave some cities underdeveloped 的中文翻译是”让一些城市处于不发达状态”。(难度系数:易)


represent 的中文翻译是:vt. 代表,表现,描绘(难度系数:易)


to spread across great distances to native plants 的中文翻译是:控制生长和发育。(难度系数:易)


They can talk to their friends 回答 they want.(难度系数:易)

Young people also like to send and receive immediate computer e-mail messages ____ their friends.(难度系数:易)

to find answers to problems的中文翻译是”找到问题的答案”。(难度系数:易)


to keep open areas for parks 的中文翻译是”找到问题的答案”(难度系数:易)


to balance human and environmental needs的中文翻译是:平衡人类与自然的需求(难度系数:易)


They are part of what is called the sustainable cities movement. 的中文翻译是”他们参与了人们称之为可持续发展城市运动”。(难度系数:易)


A new study by TRU 回答 thirty-one percent of Americans between the ages of twelve and nineteen already use a cell phone.(难度系数:易)

to control growth and development的中文翻译是:禁止种植经过基因改造的玉米。(难度系数:易)


The report estimates ____ more than five-million farmers grew genetically engineered crops in thirteen countries last year.(难度系数:易)

Millions of cell phones are sold ____ this holiday season.(难度系数:易)

critic 的中文翻译是:n. 批评家,评论家(难度系数:易)


to meet people’s needs的中文翻译是:上升到九百万以上。(难度系数:易)


have some things in common 的中文翻译是”有共同之处”(难度系数:易)


learn from 的中文翻译是”向…学习”(难度系数:易)


The new video game called Game Cube ____ the Nintendo company is released this year.(难度系数:易)

to increase the number by 100 percent的中文翻译是:导致较为缓慢的人口增长(难度系数:易)


to lead to slower population growth的中文翻译是:使数目上升百分之一百(难度系数:易)


Aging may be a product of the body’s natural protection 回答 cancer. (难度系数:易)

to put international policies into effect的中文翻译是:施行国际社会的政策。(难度系数:易)


the total land area where such crops are grown is increasing. 的中文翻译是:越来越多的农民正在种植已经遗传工程改造过的谷物。(难度系数:易)


A team from the International Monetary Fund completed [ended] a two-day visit ____ Argentina this week.(难度系数:易)

That represents [stands for, indicates] an increase in land area of nineteen percent compared ___ the year before.(难度系数:易)

The Argentine Economy Minister, Jorge Remes Lenicov, said the government is seeking [looking for] as much ____ twenty-thousand-million dollars in new aid [help].(难度系数:易)

to make it possible/easy to do something 的中文翻译是”使做某事可能/容易”(难度系数:易)


to do harm to the environment的中文翻译是:减轻对环境的压力(难度系数:易)


acquisition 的中文翻译是:n. 获得,获得物(难度系数:易)


The department of population planning is responsible 回答 control over population growth.(难度系数:易)

to have something in common 的中文翻译是”保留一些空旷地作公园”。(难度系数:易)


The research raises the question 回答 such treatments could make a person more likely to get cancer. (难度系数:易)

Four countries grew ninety-nine percent of all genetically engineered crops last year. The United States grew sixty-eight percent of the world total. Argentina grew twenty-two percent. Canada was next ____ six percent. China had three percent.(难度系数:易)

Increasing numbers of farmers are growing genetically engineered crops. 的中文翻译是:种植此种作物的土地总面积在增长。(难度系数:易)


The report says {that} soybeans were the ____ common genetically engineered crop.(难度系数:易)

Instant messages can be sent ___ new devices called text phones.(难度系数:易)

Millions of American families will 回答 the holiday.(难度系数:易)

There is plenty of conflicting information about genetically engineered crops. 的中文翻译是:关于遗传工程谷物还有很多争议。(难度系数:易)


The economic troubles have led ___ a political crisis and violent [fierce] protests in Argentina.(难度系数:易)

He said Argentine officials would negotiate [talk] ____the I-M-F to re-structure the country’s debt.(难度系数:易)

spread across 的中文翻译是:传播,蔓延(难度系数:易)




