【电大作业代做】新疆一体化 01865 英语阅读(4) 网上在线形考作业

1.John helped me write a letter( ) English.
with of in by

2.( ) your teacher like you?
Do Does Are Is

3.He will stop showing off, if no notice ( )of him.
is taken will be taken takes has taken

4.Mary ( )anything in the shop
won’t buy didn’t buy didn’t bought don’t buy

5.The traffic in our city is already good and it ( ) even better.
gets got has got is getting

6.The traffic in our city is already good and it( ) even better.
suggested wished hoped asked

7.His success () his hard work。
resulted resulted in resulted from caused

8.They won’t buy new clothes because they ( ) money to buy a color TV set.
save are saving has saved were saving

9.Drunken driving is often the major () of traffic accidents.
reason cause excuse way

10.In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ( ) to do exercises.
increasingly often regularly lively

11.No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting.It is at least five years since it( )
had taken place was taken place was taking place took place

12.( )Sundays we stay at home.
With At In On

13.You have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ( ).
fall reality practice deed

14.Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn’t make any( ) to me.
meaning importance sense significance

15.The volleyball match will be put off if it ( ).
will rain rains rained is raining

16.It’s getting cold, Be careful()your health.
for with at about

17.Li Fang is very busy, ()she’s always helping others with their lessons.
but although so for

18.he good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some().
way grade sort extent

19.I’ve finally finished my paper and it ()me an entire month.
takes took was taken had taken

20.Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science ( )that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.
showed has shown will show is showing

21.Good heavens! There you are! We()anxious about you, and we () you back throughout the night.
are; expect were; had expected have been; were expecting are; were expecting

22.he volleyball match will be put off if it ()
will rain rains rained is raining

23.He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ()
thing matter duty business

24.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest () shop?
shoes shoe shoes’ shoe’s

25.Helen had to shout () above the sound of the music.
making herself hear to make herself hear making herself hear to make herself heard

26.The Oscar is one of the film prizes that has not been _ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.
对 错

27..Numbers of visitors to the UK were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the British people were.
对 错

28.His article concerning population control was published in the latest issue of China Daily.
对 错

29.it’s believed that if a book is interesting, it will surely be interested the reader.
对 错

30.John and I have been friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we had met each other a couple of times before that.
对 错

31..I play ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.
对 错

32.By the time he was twelve, Edison(would begin) to make a living by himself.
对 错

33.However late he is , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
对 错

34.The policeman kept his eyes being fixed on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s footprints.
对 错

35.This is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me.
对 错

36..Not until Mr. Smith came to China did he know what kind of a country she is.
对 错

37.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.
对 错

38.The young couple compared their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.
对 错

39.Candies and chocolates are treats suitable for festive events .
对 错

40.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth is being washed away each year.
对 错

41.John helped me write a letter( ) English.
with of in by

42.( ) your teacher like you?
Do Does Are Is

43.He will stop showing off, if no notice ( )of him.
is taken will be taken takes has taken

44.Mary ( )anything in the shop
won’t buy didn’t buy didn’t bought don’t buy

45.The traffic in our city is already good and it ( ) even better.
gets got has got is getting

46.The traffic in our city is already good and it( ) even better.
suggested wished hoped asked

47.His success () his hard work。
resulted resulted in resulted from caused

48.Drunken driving is often the major () of traffic accidents.
reason cause excuse way

49.In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ( ) to do exercises.
increasingly often regularly lively

50.No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting.It is at least five years since it( )
had taken place was taken place was taking place took place

51.( )Sundays we stay at home.
With At In On

52.You have worked out the plan and now we must put it into ( ).
fall reality practice deed

53.Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn’t make any( ) to me.
meaning importance sense significance

54.The volleyball match will be put off if it ( ).
will rain rains rained is raining

55.It’s getting cold, Be careful()your health.
for with at about

56.Li Fang is very busy, ()she’s always helping others with their lessons.
but although so for

57.he good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some().
way grade sort extent

58.I’ve finally finished my paper and it ()me an entire month.
takes took was taken had taken

59.Years ago we didn’t know this, but recent science ( )that people who don’t sleep well soon get ill.
showed has shown will show is showing

60.Good heavens! There you are! We()anxious about you, and we () you back throughout the night.
are; expect were; had expected have been; were expecting are; were expecting

61.he volleyball match will be put off if it ()
will rain rains rained is raining

62.He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own ()
thing matter duty business

63.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest () shop?
shoes shoe shoes’ shoe’s

64.Helen had to shout () above the sound of the music.
making herself hear to make herself hear making herself hear to make herself heard

65.The Oscar is one of the film prizes that has not been _ offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.
对 错

66..Numbers of visitors to the UK were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the British people were.
对 错

67.His article concerning population control was published in the latest issue of China Daily.
对 错

68.it’s believed that if a book is interesting, it will surely be interested the reader.
对 错

69.John and I have been friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we had met each other a couple of times before that.
对 错

70..I play ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.
对 错

71.By the time he was twelve, Edison(would begin) to make a living by himself.
对 错

72.However late he is , mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
对 错

73.The policeman kept his eyes being fixed on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s footprints.
对 错

74.This is good of you to be constantly thinking of helping me.
对 错

75..Not until Mr. Smith came to China did he know what kind of a country she is.
对 错

76.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.
对 错

77.The young couple compared their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.
对 错

78.Candies and chocolates are treats suitable for festive events .
对 错

79.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth is being washed away each year.
对 错

80.They won’t buy new clothes because they (    ) money to buy a laptop.
save are saving has saved were saving

81.The desert was regarded as______for settlement.
uncertain unable unfit unlike

82.They finally brought the price______to a reasonable figure.
on down out about

83.Without enough air,the fire will easily______.
go off go over go out go through

84.He has a clear______of what needs to be done.
knowing understanding learning meaning

85.He’s a very naughty boy and is always in______for his mischief.
difficulty misery punishment trouble

86.______to the speaker for five minutes,he got up and left.
Listened To listen Listening Having listened

87.He was very busy yesterday;otherwise he______to the meeting.
had come would come could come would have come

88.He speaks English as if he______a native speaker.
were had been was be

89.There is still______hope of our getting there in time.let’s hurry.
little few a little a few

90.In no circumstances______such a lie.
you should tell shouldn’t you tell you shouldn’t tell should you tell

91.______he was an old customer,the boss allowed ten per cent discount off the prices of the goods.
Gave Giving that To give that Given that

92.______he knows the result of the entrance examination,he will telephone you.
The minute when The minute The time when The time

93.Hurry up,______you will miss the train.
and either neither or

94.Her parents insisted that she______until she finished her degree.
stayed stays stay would stay

95.Do what you think is right,______they say.
whatever whichever whenever however

96.We need to find solutions______the many problems we have.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
on for of to

97.Although Mary and John are twins,they have nothing______common.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
on with in at

98.The people there are fighting to gain their______from foreign control.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
freedom away free distance

99.My teacher was very strict______me when I was in middle school.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
of to in with

100.Robert met Laura in the doorway just as she was______to go away.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
able likely about willing

101.He was told______he had lost his position as executive secretary of the committee.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
when that after which

102.Philip got to the station in a hurry only______that the one-thirty train had gone.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
tell having been told being told to be told

103.Because of that I had to postpone______to his plans to a later date.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
to listen listening listen me listening

104.People from many countries find______to understand how the majority of Americans live comfortable lives without the support of a public welfare system.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
them difficult difficult enough it difficult very difficult

105.In the 18h century,the newly-invented machine called the“flying shuttle”produced cloth so rapidly that one worker could do the work______by two or three.The wrong choices for this blank are______.
formerly done was formerly done done formerly being formerly done

106.Twisting and turning in search of a comfortable position in bed makes your body do the opposite of what it’s supposed to do at night.此句正确的翻译为:夜晚在床上辗转反侧,试图找到舒服的位置,往往适得其反,身体难以服帖。
对 错

107.Despite these changes,Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance expresses emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.此句正确的翻译为:尽管有这些变化,Graham总是坚持一个基本的想法,那就是舞蹈可以表达我们努力隐藏且不能用语言表达的情感。
对 错

108.The specialist will study the hands and face for signs that a fight took place and will remove any evidence,such as a bullet,that is in the body.此句正确的翻译为:专家会检查双手和脸部以寻找打斗过的痕迹,同时还会取出身上的任何证据,如子弹。
对 错

109.有人曾经问他,是否他的突出成就让他很难把作为公众人物的Julio Iglesias同作为普通人的Julio Iglesias分开。此句正确的翻译为:He was asked once whether his astounding success makes it hard for him to separate Julio Iglesias the public person from Julio lglesias the human being.
对 错

110.更有甚者,由于防范心理会导致更多的防范心理,结果是经理和助理都会陷人苦苦的权力之争。此句正确的翻译为:What’s more,since defensiveness often leads to more defensiveness,the manager and the assistant will now be locked in a bitter power struggle.
对 错

111.Doctors predicted that he would never walk again,but during three years of intensive rehabilitation wiggling his toes to crawling to walking with crutches,and finally to walking unaided.此句正确的翻译为:医生预测他不可能再行走了。但是在三年的强化恢复过程中,他经历了从播动脚趾、爬行、挂着拐杖行走、到最后能够独立行走的过程。
对 错

112.Managers should never feel that they must agree with an employee,of course,but by acknowledging a worker’s idea before they dismiss is,they create an atmosphere that invites participation,cooperation,innovation,and creativity.此句正确的翻译为:当然,管理人员并不是总要同意雇员的想法,但是在否定雇员的建议之前首先要对其作法加以肯定,这样会有助于形成一种鼓励参与,合作,革新及创造的气氛。
对 错

113.We find pleasure in the unexpected and the surprising.Birthday presents that we expect do not excite us,but we can be strangely affected by small unexpected signs of generosity or affection.此句正确的翻译为:我们会在出乎意料或令人奇怪的生活经历中找到乐趣。意料之中的生日礼物并不会使我们太激动,相反,我们会奇怪地为一些出乎意料的哪怕是很小的慷慨或感情的表示而感动不已。
对 错

114.玛莎·格雷厄姆(Martha Graham)这一名字实际上已成为现代舞蹈艺术的同义词。现代舞蹈要追溯到20世纪20年代末期,当时Martha Graham还刚刚开始她在舞蹈和编舞方面的开拓生涯。此句正确的翻译为:The name Martha Graham is practically a synonym for the art from known as modern dance,which dates from her pioneering days as a dancer and a choreographer in the late 1920s.
对 错

115.我们对约会的情倡和公司的经理人员进行过研究。情侣们向我们讲述了他们是如何试图影响对方的,经理们向我们谈了他们在工作中是如何设法影响下属、同级人员和上司的。此句正确的翻译为:We conducted studies of dating couples and business managers in which the couples described how they attempted to influence their partners,and the managers told how they attempted to influence their subordinates,peers,and superiors at work.
对 错

116.Because they seemed less likely to feel personally responsible for being late,they also expressed less regret for their own lateness and blamed others less when they were late.此句正确的翻译为:音乐录像这种丰富多彩的艺术创造为亿万电视观众欣赏他们最喜爱的摇滚乐队歌曲的视觉演绎提供了机会。
对 错

117.Yet despite these changes,Graham always remained true to a basic belief that dance expresses emotion we often try to hide and cannot express in words.此句正确的翻译为:你是不是会告诉雇员预算不关他(她)的事,别的人会处理的?
对 错

118.Painful as it is to think about,murder has become a grim fact of modern society, and solving one involves more than the contributions of the police and witnesses.此句正确的翻译为:除了一些商业中心和狂欢节上算命的计算机外,很少有什么预言的方法使用现代物品。
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119.今天,身受现代科学时代影响的人们算命更多地只是为了娱乐而已,不过过去可不是这样。此句正确的翻译为:Under his natural humility,however,is a driving ambition and an obsession with meeting new challenges.
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120.相反,研究者称,后出生的孩子更有可能性情随和、与人友善,不像哥哥姐姐那样拘谨,因为父母对他们更加轻松了。此句正确的翻译为:It is common knowledge that fingerprints can be traced to an individual,likewise,footprints can also be used.
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