【电大代做】形成性测评系统 3309034 英语iii(2)#(省) 网上在线形考作业

Do not do that! It will be ______ you do it like this.


I have a fellow _____ daughter gets fever.


The car you are taking is the third ___.


Students are not ___ shy ____ they used to be.

A、like, as
B、as, like
C、so, that
D、as, as

I am sorry I ____ your birthday as I do every year.

A、break up

Teachers are supposed to ____ students ____ help others.

A、teaches, how to
B、teach, how to
C、deny, how to
D、/, /

Millions of voter are enjoying the ____ of her victory.


Mill has worked ___ a doctor for a long time.


Society ______ a choice over the best energy sources.


Comparing pony and ____, I prefer the latter though they are similar to each other.


Currently, many people are busy with their jobs and ___ it ______ that they should get relaxed at home.

A、take, for granted
B、get, for granted
C、get grant
D、take, granting

With the invention and development of television, entertainment has grown much more visual in character and is demanding less and less use of the imagination, considered by many to be man’s greatest faculty. But its greatest inadequacy lies in its inability to exercise just those creative powers in men which are called upon and developed in the pursuit of a worthwhile hobby. This lack is not serious while a man is still fully employed in his day-to-day work which itself often gives him opportunities to create either with his hands or with his mind. At this time he seeks only some form of relaxation in his leisure. There comes a time, however, when he must retire from his occupation on account of age, and it is then that these shallower pastimes, useful enough has a form of relaxation, might cease to satisfy the hitherto active man. Today, many elderly people are finding this to be true, and seem constantly to be suffering from a sense of frustration after retirement, which reveals itself in a short temper and slow degeneration of health, the two most common symptoms.

The writer criticizes visual entertainment because_________.
A、it does not require man’s creative powers.
B、it demands too much of our imagination
C、it can not improve our intelligence and skill
D、it leads man to slow degeneration in health

2、What is regarded as man’s greatest faculty?

3、While fully employed, men look for _______.
A、visual entertainment that requires imagination in their leisure
B、opportunities to create either with their hands or with their minds in their leisure
C、something that will help them relax in their leisure
D、creative hobbies in their leisure

4、When retired, the elderly people find that _______.
A、shallower pastimes can no longer satisfy them
B、it is unnecessary to cultivate creative hobbies in their younger days
C、doing anything after retirement is unnecessary
D、relaxation is most suitable for their retired life

5、It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A、hobbies are more important to the young than to the elderly
B、we should develop worthwhile hobbies when we are young
C、in ancient times entertainment was more visual in character
D、hobbies are not important in the health of modern men

Thank you dor your email, which I got yesterday. 译文:谢谢你的邮件,我昨天拿到了。


He is _____ a rich woman.

A、married with
B、marry with
C、marrying to
D、married to

The Goddess A-Ma’s protection of Macao dates back, according to some books, to the very beginning of the settlement of Macao. 译文:根据一些书籍的记载,妈祖对于澳门的护佑可以追溯到澳门开发之初。


Astronauts insist that the view is never boring. 译文:宇航员们坚持认为这样的景象是永远不会令人生厌的。


The train _______ he travelled to work was always on time.

A、by which
B、on which
C、in which
D、for which

Do you ______ well with your boss?

A、get on
B、get off
C、get along
D、get up

Students should be noticed that taking this exam is _____.


Before _______ a film director, Ang Lee spent siex years working on screenplays.

C、has become

We _____ each other for seven years.

A、have knew
B、have known

The relative price of products like tea, cocoa, coffee, bananas and sugar is 30% lower than it was 20 years ago. 译文:农产品价格如茶、可口、咖啡、香蕉和糖比20年前的价格相对来说要低。


The ISS serves as a base for observation and experiments. 译文:国际空间站可以用来当做观察和实验。


Every year in November, the Icehotel for that winter season is built form ice which has been harvested the previous spring from the Torne and stored in the Icehotel Art Center throughout the summer. 译文:每年十一月,人们用当年夏天从Torne 河采集的冰修建用于冬季的冰旅馆而且这些冰整个夏天都储藏于艺术中心


The___ you became, the ____ you tax.

A、richer, more
B、more rich, more
C、less richer, less
D、richer, less

Now ____ more time is spent doing something structured.

A、lost of

Things are becoming twisted and bigger because they are _____ by the contents of screen.


Many of the foods we buy in the supermarket every day are genetically modified for one reason or another. 译文:我们每天在超市买的所有食物由于种种原因均作了转化。


After winning awards in 1985 for his student work, Ang Lee spent the next six years working on screenplays. 1985年李安学生时期的作品获奖,接下来他花了六年时间研究电影剧本。


With the bridge destroyed, there was nothing for it but swim. 译文:桥被破坏了,除了游过去别无他法。


The most important thing that young gapers must do is decide what they want out of their gap year. 译文:最重要的是那些年轻的跨越者必须决定自己想从那一年中得到什么。


Although high in the mountains, Lake Issyk-Kul (伊塞克湖) never freezes in winter, providing a year-round resort for rest and relaxation and a range of health cures. 译文:尽管伊塞克湖高居在山上,但是冬天从来不结冰,常年为人们提供资源,还可提供一系列的健康治疗。


There is _____ less demand now for unqualified people.


The plane, which was manufactured in the 70s, ___ now only seen in museums.

B、has been

The organization has authorised peacekeeping operations many times ____ 1965.


You ______ cheat on Math test.

A、don’t must to
B、have to
C、do not have to
D、must not

___ and ___ Alexander talked.

A、slow, quick
B、few, fewer
C、more, more

Little _________ the importance of calculus.

A、I did realise
B、I realise
C、did I relaise
D、did realise I

He always jokes ___ smoking is the source of longevity.


While I was waiting, I ____ a magazine.


“Ann gets 8 ______ 25.” “Oh…That’s not enough.”

B、out of
C、out off

The sun is __ glaring __ I can not fall asleep any more.

A、too, to
B、too, when
C、so, that
D、so, which

If I have some time, I _____ the book.

A、will read
B、won’t read
C、can read

Some companies promise people that they will ___ them ___ good jobs.

B、help, finding
C、helps, make
D、promotes, find

Medical research is constantly trying to find ways to help people live longer, but is this really what people want? A recent survey has found that many people do not want to live to an old age. Most people said that although they would like a long life, they do not want to live if they are unable to live an independent life. They do not want to be too ill to take care of themselves. Many people also said that they would not want to live longer than their children. Recent reports suggest that due to not doing enough exercise and eating junk food, children are becoming less healthy than their parents and these reports are the reason why some parents are afraid that their children will die before them. If the conclusions in this survey are true, society must ask itself if medical research is going in the right direction. Instead of trying to help old people live longer, perhaps it should be looking at ways of helping old people stay independent and helping young people stay healthier.

The writer asks whether____________________.
A、there is enough medical research
B、there is too much medical research
C、the right things are being researched
D、much things have to be researched

2、Most people questioned in the survey ___________________.
A、want to live as long as possible
B、want to die before they get old
C、want to live a long time if they remain healthy
D、want to live peacefully with their children

3、The survey found that many people _____________.
A、don’t want to live longer than their partners
B、don’t want to live longer than their parents
C、don’ t want to die before their children
D、don’t’ want to stay with their parents

4、Children are becoming _____________________.
A、more healthy than their parents because of their diet and lifestyle
B、less healthy than their parents because of their diet and lifestyle
C、as healthy as their parents because of their diet and lifestyle
D、as more healthy as their parents

5、The writer suggests that medical research focuses on ________________.
A、helping old people to care for themselves and making young people healthier
B、helping old people live longer and making young people healthier
C、helping old people live longer and making young people more independent
D、helping old people live less longer

French film directors were leaders in the 30s. 译文:法国的导演在三十年代是电影界的领导者。


World Trade needs rules in order to ensure that it is fair and legal. 译文:世界贸易需要规则来制约,以确保其公平和合法性。


Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable. 译文:他们乐观、有效率、热情,总是想方设法使你的旅程顺利、舒适。


However, there is now a growing awareness in the West of the lack of fairness in world trade. 译文:但是,人们注意到在世界贸易中西方还存在一种越来越不公平现象。


As for others’ secrets, I am not telling you anything. 译文:我是不会把别人的事情告诉你的。


Very soon we will be able to use the Internet without a direct phone connection. 译文:我们马上就能不通电话线而使用互联网了。


My audiences vary from tens to thousand. 译文:我的听众从十人到千人。


Some people believe that we evolved from the apes. 译文:有一些人觉得我们是从海星演变过来的。


From its beginning in the second century BC to its slow decline in the thirteenth century, the Silk Road was the only link between the isolated worlds of East and West. 译文:从公元前2世纪的兴起到13世纪的衰落,丝绸之路是连接相互隔绝的东西方的唯一通道。


Other retailers had to slash their prices in order to compete. 译文:因为竞争,其他商家不得不大幅降价。


In the short term, I think there is bound to be much more wireless access, which will be a lot more conveniet. 译文:长期看来,我觉得一定会有更多的无线接入,上网会更加便利。


Three days were suggested, namely Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 译文:有人建议就三天,周一、周二和周三。


The Webby awards, or ‘online Oscars’ , are given by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (Iadas) to websites in a wide variety of different categories, from fishing to fashion, and from science to surfing. 译文:最佳网站奖,或者叫‘网上奥斯卡’奖,是由国际数字艺术


Government encourage citizens _______ to metropolis.

B、to went
C、to go

No one came, _______ ?

A、doesn’t he
B、will he
C、did they
D、didn’t they

Not only will it enable people some day to travel to other planets, but it will contribute to the search for extra-terrestrial life. 译文:它不仅能使人类有朝一日能到其他行星上旅行,而且也能为寻找外星生物。


Some will enthuse about how fascinating it was to explore a different culture at first hand, while others will point to the friendships they have made. 译文:一些人会确保亲身体验另外一种文化的妙处,而另外一些人则指点他们结下的友谊。


After leaving, the village, we went to the savanna ____ we ______ a yurt and ate local food.

A、where, live in
B、who, lived in
C、which, live
D、where, lived in

This whole terrain was _____ by fishermen.


Why man cannot admit their mistakes? Most of them are ___ stubborn ___ a mule!

A、likely, as
C、more, as
D、as, like

People ___ eat more calories live reasonably shorter.


My son really likes _______ the piano.


I abhor these assignments but I _______ finish them.

B、must to
C、have to

A lot has been written about young travelers, but a possibly bigger impact on our society is being made by older people who are choosing to leave the place where they live, and were possibly born, in order to move to where the climate is better when they retire. This is happening in richer countries as improved travel and communication networks mean that moving no longer means losing contract with friends and family. In the USA, many people choose to retire to Florida or California, both areas that are famous for their sunshine. In Europe, the European Union means that moving from one country to another country is easy for a member. Many people from Britain head for Spain when they retire, and Portugal is now becoming just as popular. Cheap flights mean that getting to Spain by air can often be cheaper than getting a train from London to Scotland! People from other northern European countries, such as Holland and Germany, are also moving south. Croatia is very popular with Germans, whole family benefits from these moves—the older parents are able to live in a warmer, healthier climate, while their children are able to visit them for cheap holidays in the sun!

People retiring and living in other countries_______.
A、might be having more of an impact on society than young people traveling
B、is having more of an impact on society than young people traveling
C、is not having more of an impact on society than young people traveling
D、is influenced on society than young peopl

2、People are happy to live in other countries because they_______.
A、can live very cheaply
B、don’t have to do any work there
C、can still stay in contact with friends and family
D、cannot stay to do a lot of work

3、Within the European Union ________.
A、people can move easily to another country
B、house prices are cheap
C、the climate is good
D、house prices are expensive

4、Travelling from London to Scotland________.
A、is cheaper than travelling to Spain
B、can often be more expensive than travelling to Spain
C、is always more expensive than travelling to Spain
D、is as expensive as travelling to Spain

5、The benefits of retiring to a different country include______.
A、healthier climate and cheap food
B、cheaper heating bills and travel
C、a healthier climate and being able to provide cheap holidays for your family
D、a healthier climate and fresh food

How can we get rid of garbage? Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that men might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source. For a long time people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. But garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris, France, some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the city’s garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil! But there are problems in using garbage as a fuel. Garbage that burns easily, such as food scraps and paper, must be separated from metals, glass, and other materials that do not burn easily. This separation process is normally costly. Another problem is that burning garbage can pollute the air. Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs. This method could also reduce the amount of garbage piling up on the earth.

What two problems can be solved by burning garbage?
A、The shortage of energy; Air pollution.
B、The shortage of energy; The shortage of empty land for holding garbage.
C、Air pollution; The shortage of empty land for holding garbage.
D、Air pollution; The shortage of fossil fuel.

2、Which of the following is NOT a result of burning garbage?
A、The heat produced is used to boil water.
B、The steam produced is used to make electricity.
C、The garbage burned is turned into fossil fuels.
D、The steam produced is used to heat buildings.

3、According to the passage, which of the following four groups of garbage is ready for burning?
A、food scraps and metals
B、paper and glass
C、metals and glass
D、food scraps and paper

4、Which of the following methods of exposition is NOT used in this passage?
A、questions and answers

5、What is the general tone of the passage?

The idea of the Internet was originally developed at the end of the 60s as a way of allowing computers to share information on research in scientific and military fields. 译文:英特网的想法最初始于60年代,当时想让各种电脑能共享科学和军事研究领域里的信息。


Mankind will always seek to travel, to explore other planets for extra-terrestrial life and to go beyond the known into the unknown. 译文:人类将一直寻求遨游,探索其它星球的生命,从已知世界走出探寻未知世界。


This research is far far more important than that. 译文:这项研究比那项重要得多的多。


What you want from the gap year could be a thrilling adventure, a new qualification or an exciting experience in a specialized area. 译文:你从上大学前的那一年空档时期可以做一次惊心动魄的冒险活动,可以去获取新的一个资格证书,也可以在某一个特殊领域中体验一次令人激动的经历。


Nowdays, Hollywood blockbusters, watched by filmgoers worldwide, earn hugh revenues. 译文:如今被时间范围的人们观赏的好莱坞大片获得了巨大的收益。


The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work. 译文:第二方面是,全体社会成员都使用科学家们在工作上所采用的那种特殊的思维方式和行为方法。


The only goal of the natch, that Beckham scored in the last minute, was simply unbelievable.译文:在最后一分钟贝克汉姆打进一球当然是能够信服的了。


The Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡) summit on sustainable development in 2002 set the goal of restoring depleted fish stocks to a sustainable level by 2015. 译文:约翰内斯堡制定了有关可持续发展的首脑峰会在2002年的目标,在2015将捕鱼量恢复到一定的可持续的水平上。


It is bound to rain tomorrow. 译文:明天被下雨绑定了。


But many will also tell you how they have learnt new skills that will significantly enhance their career prospects on their return home. 译文:但是许多人也会告诉你他们在国内是如何学会新技能的,这将会大大提高他们的职业前景。


Meanwhile Latin, which was used both in the church, for church services and communication, and in the newly-established universities, was the third major language. 译文: 拉丁文是第三种主要语言,它既在教堂使用,用于礼拜仪式和教会交流, 也在新成立的大学使用。


In the past far fewer young people took a year off between school and university, but now the gap year is firmly established as the thing to do. 译文:过去几年很少有年轻人在高中毕业和上大学之间间隔一年, 但是这种做法已经流行起来。


After singing in a concert in this city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers backstage as he always does. 译文:他在这个城市演唱了一场音乐会。音乐会结束后,他提出要像往常一样在后台会见他的崇拜者。


The use of a cell from a foetus (胚胎) also added fuel to the debate about the ethics of cloning itself. 译文:这种胚胎细胞加油后,争论的就是关于克隆本身所涉及的伦理问题。


They can consume up to four times their own weight. 译文:他们能吃掉四倍自己的体重。


2001 was the anniversary of two landmark events in space travel. 译文:在太空探索史上,2001年是两个里程碑事件的周年纪念。


Almost every family buys at least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers. But why do people read newspapers? Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings-battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed-took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the same day they happen. Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and of course, advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.

The phrase “subscribe to” in the first paragraph means _______________.
A、go to the newspaper stand and buy
B、send their own news stories to
C、agree to buy for a specific period of time
D、become faithful readers of

2、The habit of reading newspapers is _________________.
B、found among a few families
C、not popular

3、Before the time of the newspaper ___________________.
A、bad news traveled quickly and good news slowly
B、few people cared about events that took place in far away countries
C、kings and rulers were often overthrown or killed
D、news was passed from one person to another.

4、The author seems to agree that money spent on advertisements is _______________.
B、not much
C、well spent
D、of no use to anyone

5、Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A、Five hundred years ago it took a long time for news to reach other countries
B、Newspaper advertisements turn people’s attention away from their products.
C、The news that we read in newspapers is mainly about new products.
D、When newspapers are sold at a low

After the successful cloning of other animals, US scientists finally created the world’s first cloned mule in 2003. 译文:美国科学家在成功地克隆了其他动物之后,终于在2003年创造了世界上第一匹克隆骡子。


Their strategy had always been to advertise that their products were one hundred percent UK manufactured. 译文:他们的计划之前一直在宣传他们的产品是百分之百在英国制造的。


The language we know as modern English evolved from these three languages and became established in the 16th century when printing was invented. 译文:我们称之为现代英语的语言包括这三种语言,并在16世纪印刷术发明后得以确立。


The secret of a longer life might then, indeed, be to eat fewer hamburgers and more spinach. 译文:那么,长寿的秘密很可能就是少吃汉堡包,多吃菠菜,的的确确是这样。


New York us famous for its skyscrapers. 译文:纽约以其摩天大楼而闻名。


The relative price of products like tea, cocoa, coffee, bananas and sugar is 30% lower than it was 20 years ago. 译文: 农产品价格如茶、可口、咖啡、香蕉和糖比20年前的价格相对来说要低。


It may be difficult for us to remember what life was like before the Internet gave us the World Wide Web with instant knowledge and purchasing power from a table at home. 译文:万维网为我们提供互联网,让我们在家里的桌子上就能即时获得知识和网购,现在我们可能很难记得之前的生活原来是什么样的啦。


A vast range of gap-year companies, usually profit-making, have sprung up to provide an organized and well-structured gap year experience for those young people (or their parents) willing to pay sometimes quite significant sums of money. 译文:现在有很多各种公司成立,


But many will also tell you how they have learnt new skills that will significantly enhance their career prospects on their return home. 译文:但是许多人也会告诉你他们是如何学习一些能在他们回国后,将会大大提高他们的职业前景的新技能。


His family descends from the first French immigrants. 译文:他的家人是第一批法国移民的后裔。


Our job is to negotiate agreements between countries in order to set up the rules of trade. 译文:我们的工作就是创建有关贸易的规章制度,并和各国商讨协约。


Space is the new frontier. 译文:太空是一个新前线。


On the banks of the Torne River 200 km north of the Arctic Circle, lies a little village called Jukkssjarvi and the Icehotel. 译文: 在北极圈以北200公里的Torne 银行旁有一个叫做Jukkssjarvi 的小村庄和冰旅馆。


After singing in a concert in the city, he said he wanted to greet his admirers backstage as he always does. 译文:在这城市演唱会结束之后,他说他要像往常一样在后台接见他的追捧者。


The process of genetic modification that this discovery allowed is already a part of our lives. 译文:食物处理在这个发现中成为我们生活中的一部分。


It may be difficult for us to remember what life was like before the Internet gave us the World Wide Web. 译文:在互联网为我们提供万维网之前,我们可能很难想象之后的生活将是什么样的。


He is well established as a writer. 译文:他像是一个作家那样成立了。


Many of the foods we buy in the supermarket every day are genetically modified for one reason or another. 译文:我们每天在超市买的食物由于种种原因均作了转基因处理。


You take that one and I will look after this. 译文:你拿这个,我来照看那个。


They often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situation s where people normally would not be afraid. 译文:对于一般人不会感到害怕的情况下,他们却容易感到恐惧或是不自在。




