1.Professor Guide says that a word is like a coin with sides.
2.Language is to humans,and no other animals will be able to speak a human language.
3.The human mind can relate the /bred/ or letters (in written English)to the meaning and to the actual object of bread.
4.is supposed to be a scientific study of all languages.
5.English writing is also known as an system.
6.Language has something to do with_______.
A、human bodyB、human eyesC、human brainD、human ears
7.580作业网为您提供Language is unique to huamns,and _____ will be able to speak a human languge.
A、no other animalsB、some animalsC、not other animalsD、some other animals
8.We humans live in ______ worlds.
9.A word, i.e. a symbole, is related to the thing it stands for ______ that understands it.
A、by eyesB、by handsC、by the mindD、by ears
10.580作业网为您提供The sounds out of our______ are not plain sounds.
11.We cry when we feel sad or are in pain.
12.We can utter sounds that are understood by our fellow beings.
13.580作业网为您提供The different media,e.g. speech, writing, Braille, and signs, are like different colourful skins that wrap language up.
14.Language is less important to humans than eyes, mouth hands,legs,etc,are.
15.Drawing can resemble something that does not exist.
16.It is the abstract with its meaning and its relation with other words in communication that make a word a word.
17.Our textbook is based on the general principles of .
18.A prior agreement is often called a .
19.sounds can be analyzed in terms of the effects they produce on listener.
20.The ability to read and write is crucial for access to and information.
21.The course Language and Linguistics is about________.
A、one’s native languageB、language in generalC、any particular languageD、the main languages
22.580作业网为您提供A sign is related to the_____ it stands for by conscious agreement.
23.Speech and writing are two______ representing language.
24.Both writing and reading,like_____ ,are extremely comlicated processes.
A、speaking and listeningB、watching and seeingC、hearing and lookingD、noticing and feeling
25.580作业网为您提供_____ people also use language to communicate thoughts by writing to one another.
26.Humans, unlike other animals, also make use of sounds.
27.So-called animal language can be called language in comparison with human language.
28.580作业网为您提供Physically apes possess somthing we have: eyes, mouth, ears ,hands, legs,–you name it.
29.Without language human beings will remain like apes and chimpanzees, and will have no civilization at all.
30.In the case of an icon, it is the resemblance that makes the icon stand for the thing it resembles
31.Audible sounds need audible vibration of air–a buzzing sound, known as or phonation.
32.There are three worlds: the world, the subjective world and the symbolic world;words refer to things found in the three worlds.
33.A nation’s language is very likely to be a spoken bu people living in the Capital city.
34.The process of vocalization is crefully studied as one of important jobs of .
35.The process of vocalization is crefully studied as of important jobs of phonetics.
36.In a_____ society people tend to associate language with what is written down.
37.580作业网为您提供The power of naming is perhaps the oldest and the most fundamental of functions ______ .
A、language fulfillsB、people fulfillC、animal fulfillsD、nature fulfills
38.Language fulfills many functions in _______.
A、human and animal lifeB、human lifeC、animal lifeD、children’s life
39.The word good stands for a _____ feeling we have about something.
40.580作业网为您提供Words ______ in sequence–not in a random sequence, but in a particular order of sequence.
A、line outB、line upC、come into lineD、get a line on
41.Linguists have been debating over the origin of language for several centuries now
42.When we use the word speech together with writing ,such as “speech and writing”, it means vocal delivery of language.
43.580作业网为您提供The thing a drawing stands for can be a real thing or an abstract thing such as an idea.
44.It is clear that the clever horse could not understand its master’s command, or know so many things.
45.Language can be represented in many other ways,e.g. in Braille and the British manual alphabet.
46.Writing systems can be classified into general categories:phonological writings and writings.
47.A word has an word-form with a meaning attached to it.
48.An icon related to the thing it stands for by resemblance;a sign related to the thing it stands for by or convention.
49.Before writing was invented,civilization was preserved through .
50.Children aquire their mother tongue any conscious efforts.
51.Things in this world can be sensed by our ______ organs.
A、four senseB、five senseC、six senseD、seven sense
52.580作业网为您提供Many animals use _____for communication.
53.Icons physically resemble the things the stand for, whereas_______ .
A、so do signsB、nor do signsC、signs do notD、signs also do
54.All in all,no language no_____ .
A、human beingB、worldC、cultureD、civilazation
55.580作业网为您提供A well trained dog can ______ its master’s commmand.
56.Language is both inside and outside the ______.
57.In ordinary conversation, we often contrast shuo(saying thing) with (doing sothing).
58.Time has been viewed differently in different and at different times.
59.Our make-up frames our perception of the world.
60.The perlocutionary act is the purpose the attempts to achieve.
61.We give proper names to individual so that we can identify them uniquely.
62.If the accompanying feelings or thoughts were incorrect, the act thus performed became ______.
63.When we say sugar is sweet,the word sweet______ the sweetness.
A、draw outB、catch outC、give outD、singles out
64.580作业网为您提供Austin called the act of achieving your purpose the perlocutionary ______.
65.From a fresh angle metaphors are often used to develop new _____ .
66.We use language to do thousands of _____ .
67.580作业网为您提供In the western culturre, people do not name their pets or farm animals
68.To name a new-born baby is similar to calling an animal “pig”.
69.The illocutionary act is what we intend to say in saying something.
70.580作业网为您提供Green grass is delicious to cows, but repulsive to us.
71.If you want somebody to do something, you have to be careful about how you go about specifying to that person that it can be done.
72.Human genetic make-up is different from of animals.
73.We use to get things done,to get others to give us what we want.
74.The illocationary act is the the speaker intends to do in saying something.
75.The world we humans experience is from the world animals experience.
76.The cats can see things in the dark, whereas we .
77.If the offense is light, a _____ apology will do.
78.Our experiences of the______ do not just include objects.
A、physical worldB、social worldC、anciant worldD、material world
79.580作业网为您提供The seasons have a profound______on plant and animal life.
80.If you are moral and decent, you should do something about something wrong you’ve done,that is,you should _____ .
81.In saying “Good morning”the speaker performed an illocutionary act of _____ .
82.580作业网为您提供The world does not appear the same to these animals as it does to us.
83.The theme of Unit 5 is that saying something, giving the circumstances, is prforming a speech act.
84.It is unimportant to know the cause for apology.
85.580作业网为您提供The perlocutionary act is what we hope to achieve by doing it.
86.We experience changes of climate in a cycle, from cold, to warm, to hot, to cool and back to cold again just to begin in a new cycle.
87.One of fundament is that we use language to capture our immediate experience of the external objects.
88.Abstraction is an feature of language.
89.The year is based on the movement of the , while the month is on the moon.
90.Use hedges when we are uncertain about what are going to .
91.580作业网为您提供_____ would make you appear to be unfeeling and uncaring.
A、Frequently to apologizeB、Always to apologizeC、Never to apologizeD、Sometimes to apologize
92.Saying something has two components: the psychological component and the_____ component.
93.When we sit on a wood chair,we know it is _____.
94.580作业网为您提供You do refuse and actually say No, you will almost certainly feel obliged to provide a _____ for your refusal.
95.Tense refers to a_______of recording time in language.
A、simple wayB、comlicated wayC、common wayD、particular way
96.There is a special theory called speech act theory that accounts for the we do with language.
97.Saying something under appropriate is doing a speech act.
98.We can call the words like hard, soft, smooth, rough, sweet and sour words.
99.Dogs can detect the smell of those that are “odorless” to us.
100.There are two kinds of names: names and category names.
101.When you make an apology, you are apologizer,and the person you are apologizing to is your _____.
102.______ names from ancient times have been attached to year in the Chinese calendar.
A、Forteen animalB、Thirteen animalC、Twelve animalD、fifteen animal
103.580作业网为您提供We humans share a material world with cow,cats, dogs,pigs,and many other_____.
A、beastsB、menC、animalsD、wild lives
104.Saying is _____, given appropriate circumstances.
105.Ice is smooth,whereas a cement road is _____ .
106.The symbolization of our generates knowledge and networks of meanings.
107.Sugar is ______.I really appreciate its sweetness.
108.The sense of other and the for other are paramount
109.Talk is the function of language we are discussion in Unit 7.
110.In Chinese culture, we make another important distinction of relationship,namely between and out-group.
111.The sense of self is often associated with individualism, and the sense of other with .
112.The given-off information can be quite ambiguous,because the non-verbal signals are subject to interpretations.
113.Bilingualism means the habitual use of _____ .
A、two languagesB、two slangsC、two dialectsD、two speeches
114.When we are in a situation in which _______ to us, we are at a loss, not knowing how to respond.
A、everything is newB、everything is familiarC、everything is oldD、everything is convinent
115.580作业网为您提供Language helps establish ______ identity.
116._____ is a person who intentionally hears other people’s talk without their awareness.
A、An eavesdropperB、A listenerC、An eye dropperD、A dropper
117.Our social interaction is not regulated by social norms.
118.580作业网为您提供It is through classroom talk that most of our education is carried out.
119.We are social animals, and we depend on one anotheer for collective survival.
120.A teacher should develope unequal partnership with his or her students in classroom talk.
121.Name five of the six maxims of politeness.
122.How do you think about the Principle of Mutuality?
123.According to the professor, is the role of the hearer simple or complex? Give an example to demonstrate it.
124.The given-off information is often made available through non-verbal .
125.We use language to manage internal relations,particulary those that have found expressions in face and politeness.
126.It takes quite a few years for a child to develope a sense of and other.
127.When people talk face to face,there are ways to provide information: They give it and they give it off.
128.The original message,and the after being relayed by several people can be totally different.
129.Language helps to establish ______ identity.
130.580作业网为您提供Like hearer,_____ of speaker is equally diversified.
A、the featuresB、the roleC、the characteristicsD、the peculiarity
131.All the Chinese learners of English in China are in a sense_____.
132.Technically speaking, _____ involves the initiation by one party and the response to it by another.
A、the start of a monologueB、the start of a conversationC、the start of an addressD、the start of an oration
133.580作业网为您提供In interpersonal contact, Chinese culture holds dear such values as warmth, respect, modesty, considerateness and refinement.
134.We care for one another’s face and be polite to one anothe.
135.The cause for an unhappy start of talk usually is the lack of mutual understanding and the lack of tolerance for differences.
136.580作业网为您提供Classroom talk, unlike other forms of talk, can be analyzed into three chunks: opening, keeping going,and closing.
137.Use address terms to illustrate how social status is managed through language.
138.What are the different dimensions of relations between people in the society? What is the one dimension important to Chinese but absent in some other cultures? Choose one dimension to give an example.
139.What’s the function of non-verbal signals ?
140.The role, relation,and status are made and maintained,to a great extent,through .
141.A conversation may be by a request.
142.When we talk face to face, our conscious attention generally on the information given.
143.Knowing how to talk is not the thing as knowing how talk works.
144.People of course may choose to ignore social norms, even violate them.
145.580作业网为您提供In our time, political sppeech and writing are largely the defence of the _____.
146.The use of language is inevitably influnced by______.
147.People taking part in a talk are called _____ .
148.580作业网为您提供In the classroom situation, the role relation is ______.
149.Like face, politeness is primarily managed through the use of act.
150.Most of our waking life, even including dreams, is spent on talking.
151.What do we mean concerning Chinese and English Faces ?
152.Nowadays, social differences are less clear cut, they do exist.
153.It takes at least people to generate a talk.
154.We depend one another for survival.
155.We actually know little how eating is carried out, although even a small child knows how to .
156.Like many other species,e.g.monkeys, wolves, dogs, we humans social animals.
157.What’s the function of non-verbal signals ?
158.Being bilingual is meant that they keep the mother tongue, and in the meantime learn language.
159.Unit 1 is about of our language
160.People take turns to speak. This gives rise to two roles: and hearer.
161.A technical term,aphasiology, is coined name the research in this fields.
162.Each unit has a list unit objectives.
163.580作业网为您提供It is _____ that makes it possible for humans to develop language.
A、human spiritB、human thoughtC、human brainD、human body
164.Language _____ use the substantiated language to fulfill various functions.
165.The functions of the brain are divided into _____: left and right.
A、two spheresB、two hemispheresC、two globulesD、two fragments
166.580作业网为您提供The content of Unit 9 is about language,brain and mind.
167.Both written and spoken language are controlled by the right hemmisphere of the brain.
168.Language to a nation is in some sense like a name to a person.
169.580作业网为您提供The brain controls everything in terms of its function.
170.How children acquire the mother tougue?
171.How will you explain the relation between language and identity?
172.Are you aware of the relationship between language and brain? Say something about it.
173.Specifically in Unit we focus on language and identity, bilingualism, and language and politics.
174.If someone speaks two languages,he is said to be a .
175.The word mind in Unit 9 refers to the psychological activities we do by using the .
176.The content of Unit 3 is about symbolic of language.
177.All human emotions, including love, hate, fear, anger, elation, and sadness, are controlled the brain.
178.580作业网为您提供Humans have undergone ______ evolution:from homo habilis to homo erectus to homo sapiens.
A、a negotiating process ofB、a long lonely time ofC、in the process ofD、a long process of
179.Language is an abstract _____.
A、influential systemB、symbolic systemC、historic systemD、exhibitive systemn
180.A word refers to the thing it stands for through the medianting mind.
181.580作业网为您提供It takes more than a family to make a real speech community.
182.For a quite long period of time in the Chinese history, people believed that it was the heart that did the thinking and produced emotions.
183.A language disorder is not called aphasia.
184.Is Putonghua related to any identity issue,such as regional identity,or status identity?
185.What are the advantages of speech communication in comparison with written communication?
186.How do you define aphasiology?
187.The content of Unit 2 is about aspects of language
188.Language helps establish regional and identity.
189.The word in Unit 9 refer to the physiological substance inside the skull.
190.When a new nation is born, one of the first things it does is to establish its language.
191.When young children cannot express themselves fluently, parents should permaturely correct them.
192.As an introductory course on language and linguistics, it was intended to give us a test,of a limited range of linguistic phenomena.
193.580作业网为您提供In some activities of the course,we have been shown how to apply what we have just learned to new data.
194.For a language to thrive, it takes a town , a village or even a city that uses it in its daily life.
195.Putonghua is not related to status identity.
196.Use three specific examples to illustrate the three worlds. Illustrate also how language has existence in all the three worlds.
197.Can we tell people’s gender by the way they speak?
198.Write a paragraph, in no less than 100 words, to summarize the textbook. In addition, you must point out the ways, at least three ways that what you have learnt from the book can be applied or has been already applied to your everyday life.
199.Things should not be evaluated in terms of either good bad.
200.Voice quality is marginal to the one speaks.
201.It was suggested that apes and chimpanzees could not learn because their brain is different from human brain.
202.The earthworm has nerve cord with lateral nerve.
203.Modern medical science tells us that it is the brain that does _____.
A、all the argumentationB、all the functionC、all the thinkingD、all the wok
204.The content of Uhit 4 is abuot our experiences of the material world.
205.580作业网为您提供Aphasia is caused by the damage of the brain that involves language processing.
206.Since one’s voice quality is quite unique, we can use it to identify the person by his or her voice.
207.What is the difference between a sign and a linguistic symbol?
208.Can we tell people’s gender by the way they speak?
209.Oversease Chinese often confronted with a hard choice beteen monolingual and bilingual.
210.What is the popular view of personal names?