【电大作业代做】国开网 跨文化交际 网上在线形考作业

Due to ______, people in China are group-oriented and usually sacrifice their interests for their fellow members.
A. Universalism

B. Worldview

C. Culture identity

D. Power distance

E. Collectivism

______ refers to a culture’s orientation towards God, humanity, nature, the universe, life, death, and it guides our ways of thinking and acting.
A. Power distance

B. Worldview

C. Collectivism

D. Culture identity

E. Universalism

______ refers to one’s sense of belonging to a particular or ethnic group.
A. Universalism

B. Culture identity

C. Worldview

D. Power distance

E. Collectivism

_____ takes the stance that regardless of the situation, there are fixed and universal ethical principles that apply to all cultrues.
A. Universalism

B. Worldview

C. Culture identity

D. Power distance

E. Collectivism

_______ reflects the degree to which a culture believes how institutional and organisational power should be distributed (equally or unequally) and how the decisions of the power holders should be viewed (challenged or accepted).
A. Universalism

B. Worldview

C. Culture identity

D. Power dostance

E. Collectivism

For most normal transactions in daily life, members in high-context societies do not require much in-depth background information and are more reliant on verbal communciation.


Communication and culture are inseparable and strongly connected.


When communicating with people from other cultures, sometimes the individual may treat them as “his people” and assume there is only one way of doing things.


Assumption of superiority may lead to assuming similarities instead of differences.


China is a monochronic culture.


When we enter school or we start a new job we tend to experience anxiety and uncertainty.


Intercultural barriers result from communication problems.


A person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time.


Visible culture refers to values and beliefs.


Failure in communication causes anxiety and uncertainty.


There is a clear-cut demarcation between male and female roles in Japan.


Culture is man’s second nature.


In America group interests take precedence over individual interests.


A high-context culture depends on the verbal encoding of the message.


Cultures with a high index of uncertainty avoidance are more tolerant of deviant opinions.


An elaborate style emphasizes flashy and embellished language.


The self-enhancement verbal stlye emphaizes the importance of boasting about one’s accomplishments and abilities.


An exacting style is visible in a “just the facts” mentality.


Same-sex touching is normal an all cultures.


A low-context culture depends on the context of communication.


______ refers to what we know about the communication context, including information of one’s own culture and the other culture. It enables us to say the right thing at the right time.
A. Skills and strategies

B. Motivation

C. Knowledge

______ means that as communicator you have a positive attitude toward the communication event and you are willing to make an effort toward constructive results.
A. Motivation

B. Skills and strategies

C. Knowledge

______ are the specific behavious you engage in to accomplish your goals. They are meant to be adjusted as communicators face people from cultures different from their own.
A. Motivation

B. Skills and strategies

C. knowledge

_____ is the connection between two or more people which is realised through the interaction of different people in the social and cultural contexts.
A. Interpersonal relationship

B. Employers and employees

C. Teacher-cenred

D. Student-centred

E. Kinship

_____ is bound by close family ties.
A. Interpersonal relationship

B. Kinship

C. Employers and employees

D. Teacher-centred

E. Student-centred

Having native-speaker language competence guarantees intercultural communication competence.


As long as we thoroughly understand the other culture, we have intercultural communication competence.


Intercultural communication competence is always unconscious because children raised in a multicultural environment can perform successful intercultural interactions without paying special attention to it.


If we know ourselves and our own culture well, we can become competent intercultural communicators.


Intercultural communication competence involves adaptation to the target culture.


As speakers of English, we may overlook the language/culture interface.


Western hosts usually walk their guest to the car.


Culture is innate as soon as a person is born.


Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists within a dominant culture.


In a ______ classroom, teacher-talking-time is privileged, while in a 此空暂不填 classroom, student participation is valued.
A. Interpersonal relationship

B. KInship

C. Employers and employees

D. Teacher-centred

E. Student-centred

Invisible culture refers to social behaviors.


Artistic artefacts are considered “small C culture”.


People’s way of life represents “big C culture”.


We only learn about our culture at school.


Culture is man’s second nature.


Communication is directly influenced by culture.


Chinese hospitality is always greatly appreciated.


“Nice talking to you.” is an indication of ending a conversation.


“Thanks for coming.” is a typical expression used by western hosts when the guests have just arrived.


In a 此空不考虑 classroom, teacher-talking-time is privileged, while in a ______ classroom, student participation is valued.
A. Interpersonal relationship

B. Kinship

C. Employers and employees

D. Teacher-centred

E. Student-centred

The relationship between _____ involves power distribution in a company.
A. Interpersonal relationship

B. Kinship

C. Employers and employees

D. Teacher-centred

E. Student-centred

______ is the first stage of the intercultural adaptation when everything is new and exciting.
A. Assimilation

B. Marginalisation

C. Integration

D. Honeymoon

_______ is a process of desiring a high level of interaction with the host culture while maintaining indentity with their native culture.
A. Assimilation

B. Marginalisation

C. Integration

D. Honeymoon

“I’m sorry to have wasted your time” is an appropriate expression when Chinese guests leave.


The Chinese prefer guests to call before visiting.


The English usually say “thank you”.


It is impolite to decline an invitation in English-speaking culture.


It is polite to compliment one’s own wife and children in Chinese culture.


The English tend to appreciate punctuality in appointments.


In a traditional Chinese family, the elders are respected and children need to support their parents in their old age.


For the English, disagreement may lead to a break up in friendship.


In Germany, friendship tends to be more casual and situational.


Students’ self-reliance and experiential learning are highly valued in the east.


Obligations are as important as rights for employees in the west.


Acculturation refers to the socialization process we go through when we learn our own culture.


Culture shock can be managed if one is aware of its symptoms.


Insomnia can be a physical symptom of culture shock.


A bicultural identity involves forgetting our native culture.


Reverse culture shock is the experience of going abroad.


Culture shock can become an opportunity for growth.


China prefers a direct communication stlye.


The indirect plan involves “digression” and the overuse of cliches to create an impression.


The direct plan is used in Chinese writing pattern.


Dress code is universal.


It is very common for heterosexual men in America to hug and kiss each other.


Members of different societties shae the same values with each other.


The Americans tend to be more outspoken and informal.


The appropriateness of eye contact varies with different cultures.


The affective style is receiver-based.


An exacting stlye of communication can be found in Japan and China.


The elaborate, exacting, or succinct communciation stlye deals with the quantity and/or volume of talk that is preferred across cultural groups.


Speaking is the only mode of effective communication.


Cultural differences are likely to occur in interpersonal communication.


In Mediterranean countries, it is normal to arrive early for social events.


Silence is common in Europe.


Artistic artefacts are considered “small C culture”.


Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism are learned.


Chinese culture prefers to use compliments and praise.


Amalytical thinking patterns are common in Asian countries.


The personal style implies the use of alternate personal pronouns like 你/您.




