【电大作业代做】浙江电大 3306806 旅游英语(1)(省) 网上在线形考作业

1.The dish is named __________ revered Song Dynasty poet, artist and calligrapher Su Dongpo.

2.How many people do you have? A table _____ ten?

3.Longjing Green Tea was not only chosen as a _______ to the imperial rulers but also exported overseas.

4.zuoye580.com原创So _________ pleasant and harmonious colours is one of the main principles when __________ Chinese food.
A、have, cookB、have, cookingC、to have, to cookD、to have, cooking

5.We have various _______, such as beans, peas, cabbage, eggplant and cauliflower. Which one do you prefer?

6.Do you know how the name of our city ________ into being?
A、cameB、comeC、enterD、is coming

7.zuoye580.com原创For most people, it’s __________ of the experience in their life.
A、part in partB、part or parcelC、parcel in oneD、part and parcel

8.Which of the following ancient towns is or are on the list of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage?
A、Lijiang and PingleB、Pingyao and PingleC、Wuzhen and YongdingD、Xidi, Hongcun, Lijiang, Pingyao and Yongding

9.Excuse me, can I _______ the Internet in my room?
A、takeB、usedC、have access toD、enter

10.zuoye580.com原创—I really appreciate your help. —______________.
A、It’s my dutyB、I should help.C、Don’t mention it.D、I’d love to

11.In addition to tracking (追踪) complaints, it is of course also important to train your staff on the tools they need to properly handle complaints. Here are some tips on handling complaints for your next meeting: ? Listen without interrupting. When guests a1、When a guest has a complaint, as a staff member, how will you try to listen?A、Give a bow and offer a drink.B、Nod and make an apology.C、Listen interactively without interrupting.D、Keep silent.2、According to the author, how will you show your attentiveness when listening to the guest’s complaint?A、Maintain the eye contact.B、Have neutral facial expressions.C、Avoid the eye contact and lower the headD、Maintain the eye contact and have neutral facial expressions.3、When answering the phone, what are the “verbal nods” like?A、“I see.”B、“Okay.”C、“Alright.”D、“I see,” “okay,” and “alright.”4、The service staff should be very careful about the unvoiced guest complaints_____.A、instead of the voiced onesB、as well as the voiced onesC、than the voiced onesD、than the silent ones5、According to the author, the guests _________ if their problems are not solved.A、may never go back to the hotel againB、might post their complaints onlineC、may send their complaintsD、may email their complaints

12.我代表浙江中国旅行社,向你们表示热烈的欢迎。译文:For Zhejiang China Travel Service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.


13.zuoye580.com原创If the odor cannot be removed, you can surely have another room after we check with the receptionist, madam. 译文:夫人,如果气味除不掉,我们跟前台核实后可以让您换另外一个房间。


14.A monk named Lezun (or Yuezun,乐尊) happened to vision thousands of Buddhas bathed in golden rays at the site in 366 AD. Then inspired, he began to build the first cave in this area. 译文:公元366年,僧人乐尊路经此山,忽见金光闪耀,如现万佛,于是便在岩壁上开凿了第一个洞窟。


15.今晚你们将观看由中国著名的导演张艺谋编导的大型表演《印象西湖》。希望你们到时会喜欢。 译文:You are to watch the grand show “Impression of West Lake”directing by Zhang Yimou, a famous director in China this evening. Hope you will have great fun then.


16.zuoye580.com原创斯密斯先生,您想用现金还是信用卡支付?译文:Are you going to pay in cash or by credit card,Mr Smith?


17.Hangzhou has been regarded as one of China’s six ancient capitals, for it served as the capital of both Wuyue Kingdom in the 10th century and the Southern Song Dynasty in the 12th and 13th centuries. 译文:杭州一直被认为是中国六大古都之一,因为它曾经分别是公元10世纪吴越国和12至13世纪南宋的都城。


18.The most famous view of the garden, the“borrowed view” of Beisi Ta (北寺塔), the Northern Pagoda reflected in the water, is visible from here. 译文:这就是园内最著名的景观,北寺塔在水中的倒影。


19.zuoye580.com原创这座城市的总面积为3.5万平方公里。译文:The city has a floor area of 35,000 square kilometers.


20.您的房间在10楼,这是您的房卡。电梯就在左边。译文:Your room is on the 10th floor, and here is your key card. The elevator is just over there on the left.


21.The two bridges almost join at a right angle with about 10 meters apart together at one end. Either of the two bridges can be seen through the arch of the other, so the place here is called“Bridge within a Bridge.”译文:两座桥几乎相连得很好,两者在一端相距约10米。人们可以通过一座桥的拱门看见另


22.zuoye580.com原创Here are the Chinese dates, compliments of the chef. 译文:这是中国的枣子,是厨师特别推荐的。


23.请问,您是来自纽约环球旅行社的斯密斯先生吗?译文:Excuse me, are you Mr Smith from the New York Global Travel Agency?


24.Huaiyang dishes have light flavours, retaining the original tastes of ingredients, and are very healthy and organic. 译文:淮洋菜口味清淡,健康自然。


25.zuoye580.com原创对不起,目前没有空位。译文:I’m sorry to say that we haven’t got any vacant seat at the moment.


26.I’m sorry, since it has been served according to your order, I’m afraid we cannot replace it with Mapo Tofu for you, unless you agree to bear the extra expense. 译文:对不起,既然这是按照您点的菜上的,恐怕我们不能为您把那个菜换成麻婆豆腐,除非您愿意另外付费。


27.In a word, the Mogao Grottoes constitute an anthology of Buddhist art with paintings and sculptures spanning a period of a thousand years. 译文:总之,莫高窟是集绘画和雕塑于一体的佛教艺术宝库。


28.zuoye580.com原创Xi’an is the center of Shaanxi Province in politics, economy, culture and information. 译文:西安是陕西省的政治、经济、文化和信息中心。


29.有条河纵横交错的河道贯穿把整个小镇,使其主要分成四个不同方向的区域。译文:The whole town is crisscrossed by the network of rivers and is mainly divided into four sectors in four directions.


30.Its recorded history can be traced back 3000 years. 译文:其有记载的历史可以追溯到3000年。


31.zuoye580.com原创您希望牛排怎么烧,嫩一点, 不老不嫩, 还是老一点? 译文:How do you like your steak cooked, rare, medium or old?


32.The history of Christmas _______ back over 4000 years.
A、was datedB、traced backC、datingD、dates

33.Your luggage will be ______ to your rooms soon.

34.zuoye580.com原创It’s 9:30 am Beijing standard time. Please_____ the time.

35.What’s ________ the schedule for tomorrow?

36.—How long will you be staying? —I’ll be _______ on Saturday.
A、checking outB、checking inC、leaveD、out

37.zuoye580.com原创I’d like to give you a ______ introduction to our city.

38.On New Year’s Eve after the dinner, the whole family will sit together, __________.
A、chatting and watching TVB、chat and watch TVC、chatted and watched TVD、to chat and to watch TV

39.How I wish I __________ the chance to taste all these delicious dishes.
A、will haveB、haveC、hadD、shall have

40.zuoye580.com原创Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day __________ the Han people, __________ they may have different customs.
A、that, whichB、on which, althoughC、which, thoughD、as, though

41.Tang Paradise Lotus Park is located in __________.
A、the northwestern of Xi’an, Shaanxi ProvinceB、the northeast of Xi’an, Shaanxi ProvinceC、the northwestern ChinaD、the southeast of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province

42.Traditional Chinese festivals are always associated with some particular food. In fact, the food plays an important role in celebrating the festival, without which the celebration may not be as perfect as it is. ? Spring Festival Food Spring Festival is r1、Qingming Festival is a time ___________.A、when people eat moon cakes.B、when people feel sad.C、when people feel happy.D、when people feel both happy and sad2、People all over China __________about the food they eat at Spring Festival.A、have the same habitsB、have different habitsC、have slight different habitsD、have almost the same habits3、Zongzi is _______with various fillings wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to commemorate Quyuan, a famous poet over 2000 years agoA、riceB、black riceC、sticky riceD、millet4、_________________are two festivities for the Duanwu Festival.A、Dragon boat racing and eating ZongziB、Dragon boat racingC、Eating ZongziD、Eating moon cakes and Niangao5、The Mid-Autumn Festival is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people dating back__________.A、over 5,000 yearsB、over 2000 yearsC、over 3000 yearsD、over 4000 years

43.zuoye580.com原创请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗? 译文:Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?


44.I’m afraid the stewed chicken you have ordered really needs quite a while to prepare. Here’s our complimentary tea. 译文:您点的炖鸡恐怕真的需要一点时间准备。这是我们赠送的茶。


45.宋城打出了一个非常独特的宣传口号:“给我一天,还你千年”。译文:Song Dynasty Town offers a very unique slogan as“Give us one day, we’ll give you one thousand years.”


46.zuoye580.com原创You’ve booked one superior double room with pool view and one standard twin room for two nights and will check out this Thursday, May 23, is that right? 译文:您已预订了一间带游泳池景观的高级双人房和一间标准双床房,两个晚上。你们本周四5月23日离店,对吗?


47.自助早餐时间是从7:00 到9:30,餐厅在三楼。译文:Breakfast buffet is serving from 7:00 am to 9:30 am on the third floor.


48.这间房很大,可以俯瞰整个城市。译文:It’s a large room with a bird’s view about the city.


49.zuoye580.com原创大家普遍认为,不到楼外楼就不可能真正品尝到美味可口的杭帮菜。译文:It’s believed that you would never really taste the delicious Hangzhou cuisine unless you visit Louwailou.


50.It’s 14:20 Beijing standard time. Please reset your watch. 译文:现在是北京时间14:20,请调整时间。


51.We also offer luxurious Western meals in Hemingway Steakhouse and some traditional Cantonese and Sichuan food in Huating (华亭) Chinese restaurant. 译文:我们还在海明威牛排馆提供丰盛的西餐,在华亭中餐馆提供传统广东和川菜。


52.zuoye580.com原创We have various salad dressings, such as French, Italian,and Thousand Island. Which one do you prefer? 译文:我们有各种沙拉调料汁,比如法式、意大利式和千岛汁。您想要哪一种?


53.You’ve booked a double room for two nights. And you are going to check out on Sunday, April 10, aren’t you? 您预订了一间双人房,两晚。您要在周六4月10日离店,对吗?


54.In old times in many places in China, it was customary for the only daughter of a rich family to choose Mr Right by casting downstairs from her own house an embroidered ball to the right person among all the wooers. 译文:旧社会,在中国南方,大户人家挑对先生时,是让女儿从自家楼上把绣球抛给众多


55.zuoye580.com原创对不起,让你们就等了,先生和夫人。现在,你们的桌子已准备好了。 译文:I’m sorry to keep you wait, sir and madam. Now, your table is ready.


56.自从2011年,杭州西湖文化景观已经正式被列入世界文化遗产名录。译文:The West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou, has been included on the list of UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage Sites in 2011.


57.顺便提一下,您的果仁燕麦片中的牛奶要热的还是冷的?译文:By the way, what kind of milk would you like to eat with the muesli, hot or cold?


58.zuoye580.com原创What is worth mentioning here is that Chinese medicinal cuisine is unique in China and has a long history. 译文:值得一提的是,中国药物是独一无二的,在中国有着悠久的历史。


59.楼外楼是一家具有160年历史的老店,建于1848年。译文:Louwailou, a century-old restaurant with more than a history of 160 years, was founded in 1848.


60.We have very nice assorted vegetables,such as asparagus with minced onion, green beans with ham, braised bamboo shoots, etc. 译文:我们有很多不错的蔬菜,像蒜泥春蒿,火腿刀豆和油闷笋等。


61.zuoye580.com原创让人惊叹不已的不仅仅是中国菜的口味,更是它的审美价值。译文:It is not only the taste of Chinese cuisine that makes you amazed but also its beautiful value.


62.杭州是著名的丝绸之府,茶叶之乡。译文:Hangzhou has been well-known as “the home of rice and fish.”


63.—What would you like to ______, orange or apple juice?

64.zuoye580.com原创—May I have a _____ call for 6:30 am tomorrow? —Certainly, sir. What’s your room number?

65.Which of the following ancient towns once served as a trade confluence on the old tea horse road?
A、Pingle Ancient TownB、LijiangC、Tongli Ancient TownD、Pingyao Ancient Town

66.Would you please allow me to ________ myself?

67.zuoye580.com原创It was supposed to serve as a __________ for the Empress Dowager Cixi in Qing Dynasty
A、summer resortB、winter resortC、royal houseD、palace

68.How many bridges were there in Wuzhen?
A、120B、30C、over 120D、over 30

69.______behalf of Zhejiang Strait International Travel Service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

70.zuoye580.com原创Here is the _____. Are you ready to order?
A、a la carteB、menuC、drinkD、dish

71.—Thank you. That’s very kind of you. —_________. What else can we do for you, madam?
A、Never mind.B、OkC、It’s all right.D、You are welcome.

72.If you have any problems, please _______to let us know.
A、feel freeB、doC、rememberedD、not forget

73.Hi, everyone, we are now on the way to the Mogao Grottoes or Caves which are famous for numerous delicate statues (雕/塑像) and colorful murals (壁画). These caves are located within the cliffs of the Mingsha Hill (Singing Sand Hill,鸣沙山) 25 kilometers southeas1、___________initially served as a strategic point along the Silk Road,an important gateway to the West.A、MaijiB、LongmenC、YungangD、Dunhuang2、Donghuang Grottoes was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in ______.A、2000B、2001C、1988D、19873、Earlier works in Mogao Grottoes are much influenced by ________.A、Islamic Buddhist artB、Indian Buddhist artC、Chinese Buddhist artD、Tibetan Buddhist art4、At first, hermit monks went to the caves in Mogao to _________.A、make pilgrimage to the BuddhaB、worship the BuddhaC、practice meditationD、pay homage to the Buddha5、_________embody the singer in the court of gods, and the celestial musician, in Indian mythology.A、GandharvaB、Flying ApsarasC、Indian GodsD、Kinnara

74.Red represents loyalty and righteousness;white suggests a crafty and suspicious character; black shows a serious and taciturn disposition, including strength and roughness; green indicates a brave and irascible nature; blue means uprightness and unyieldin


75.您想单点还是点套餐? 译文:Would you like single or a set meal?


76.zuoye580.com原创The amazing northern latitude at about 30° runs through some world wonders such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, ancient Maya, Himalaya Mountains, the rivers like the Nile, the Mississippi River, the Changjiang River or Yangtse River in China, etc. 译文:神奇的3


77.今天早上,我们将坐船游湖,时间为两个小时。译文:We will take a two-hour river cruise this morning.


78.这里有10张护照,包括您的,还有你们房间的房卡。译文:Here are the 10 passports including your and the key cards to your rooms.


79.zuoye580.com原创色泽艳丽的食物通常能使人们的食欲大增。译文:Food with diversified colours can usually greatly arouse people’s appetite.


80.正如孔子所说“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,我们将竭诚使你们在这里的旅行愉快,难以忘怀。译文:As Confucius once said, “Isn’t it delightful to have friends coming from afar?” we will try our best to make your trip here pleasant and memorable.


81.The Grand Canal, which eventually linked Hangzhou to Beijing, was noted as one of the world’s longest artificial waterways, forming one of the country’s most important economic arteries. 译文:最终连接杭州和北京的大运河,中国一条最重要的经济大动脉,是世界上最长的人工河道之一,名闻遐迩。


82.zuoye580.com原创Only a child under 10 is free. I’m sorry, Mrs Simpson, you have to pay 80 yuan for the extra bed. 译文:只有10岁以下的孩子才能免费。对不起,辛普森太太,您得付加床费80元。


83.The Five Caves created by Tan Yao (昙曜), with their strict unity of layout and design, constitute a classical masterpiece of the first peak of Chinese Buddhist art. 译文:昙曜五窟,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。


84.Rich in relics and natural resources, the city has a long history. 译文:这座城市历史悠久,自然资源丰富,文物古迹众多。


85.zuoye580.com原创With the three characteristics of diversified colours, aromatic flavour, and excellent taste, Chinese cuisine is not only tasty but also a work of art for people to appreciate. 译文:中国菜因其色香味俱全的特点,不仅美味可口,而且是件赏心悦目的艺术品。


86.著名的白堤和苏堤把西湖分成五个部分,外湖最大,有三个人工小岛。译文:West Lake is divided into five sections with the Outer Lake being the largest by two renowned causeways—Bai Causeway and Su Causeway, together with three fake islets.


87.How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card? 译文:您准备怎么付帐,现金或信用卡?


88.zuoye580.com原创I’d like a glass of guava juice, one omelette and one bowl of muesli, please. 译文:我想要一杯番石榴汁、一份煎蛋饼和一碗牛奶什锦果仁。


89.“天下西湖三十六,此中最美是杭州。”译文:“Of the thirty-six West Lakes east or west, the West lake in Hangzhou is the best. ”


90.这个古镇出了很多名人。例如,中国一位著名的现代作家茅盾就出生在这儿。译文:This ancient town is home to many celebrities. For example, it’s the birthplace of Mao Dun, a renowned modern writer in China.


91.zuoye580.com原创这条江以壮观的潮水著称。译文:The river is noted for its spectacular tidal bore.


92.Sichuan dishes are known as a hundred dishes with a hundred tastes, earning the reputation of“food in China, taste in Sichuan.”译文:众所周知,一百道川菜就有一百个口味,川菜因此享有“食在中国,味在四川”的美誉。


93.Excuse me, are you the ______ leader of the group from Canada?

94.zuoye580.com原创—I’m sorry, sir. Would you like your egg sunny side up or _______? —Sunny side up please.
A、scramblingB、over easyC、oversidedD、rare

95.—May I take your _____? —I’d like the rocky mountain oyster.

96.Which park has the theme of Song Culture in China?
A、Song Dynasty TownB、Qingming Shanghe ParkC、Tang Paradise Lotus ParkD、Both A and B

97.zuoye580.com原创—May I have your ______ number? —Here it is. We have booked a double room with pool view.

98.Suzhou _____ in a sub-tropical zone with four distinctive seasons.
A、situatesB、locatesC、be situatedD、lies

99.—Room service, may I help you? —Yes, this is Sam Mathew in room 1221. May I have a tuna sandwich ____ up to my room?
A、sentB、sendC、sendingD、being sent

100.zuoye580.com原创Sichuan cuisine is well-known in China and overseas for its __________ taste.
A、saltyB、hot and spicyC、bitter and sourD、sweet and sour

101.Tulou is a type of Chinese rural dwellings built by________, a branch of Han nationality in China.
A、the HakkaB、the DaiC、the HanD、the Bai

102.—Do you have a ___________? —Yes, the name is Bill Stephen.

103.If you dine out with any regularity (规律), it’s likely you have an opinion on how restaurant service should be. Whether you feel service is of prime importance or not, we all have our gripes (牢骚). Recently, I had a particularly poor experience at a 2-Miche1、What shall a server do if the reserved table is not ready when the customers arrive and they have to wait a long time?A、The waiter or waitress should make an apology.B、The waiter or waitress should offer a complimentary cocktail.C、The waiter or waitress should offer a glass of wine.D、The waiter or waitress should apologize and offer a complimentary cocktail, glass of w2、What is the best time to refill the customer’s water or wine?A、The best time for a refill is when the glass is already empty.B、When the glass is almost empty, it is best to refill the glass.C、It’s best to refill the glass when the guest asks.D、The best time for a refill is when the glass is ready.3、Why shall the server not ask if someone is finished while others are still eating that course?A、It will make those eating feel guilty and rushed.B、It will make the server busy.C、It will make the guests angry.D、It will make those waiting uncomfortable.4、When will the waiter / waitress bring the bill?A、Only when all the others finish eating.B、Only when someone requests it.C、Only when someone sits up.D、Only when someone finishes eating.5、When serving in a restaurant, you should __________.A、always wait until a customer raises his arm to get your attentionB、wait until a customer calls you loudlyC、always be attentive to the needs of the customersD、focus on one thing.

104.众所周知,中国菜因其诱人的色、形、香、味而誉满全球。译文:As is known to all, Chinese Cuisine enjoys an international reputation for a perfect combination of colour, flavor and taste.


105.Suzhou’s largest garden, Zhuozheng Yuan, the Humble Administrator’s Garden is also considered the city’s finest. It was established in the 16th century by a retired magistrate (地方官), Wang Xianchen (王献臣), and developed over the years as subsequent owners m


106.zuoye580.com原创By the way, the dish here Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style (川味小炒) is too oily for me. 译文:顺便提一下,这里的川味蔬菜肉对我来说太油了。


107.上海西北靠近江苏省,西南和浙江省毗邻。译文:Shanghai is bordered by Jiangsu Province to the northwest and Zhejiang Province to the southwest.


108.The town has a history dating back more than 800 years and was once used to be confluence for trade along the old tea horse road. 译文:该镇的历史可以追溯到800年,那时是古时的茶马古道的贸易中心。


109.zuoye580.com原创Would you care for some starter? We have many cold dishes as the starters. 译文:您想来点开胃菜吗?我们有很多的冷盘开胃菜。


110.很高兴认识你,约翰逊先生,我是你们的地陪,叫方冰。译文:Glad to meet you, Mr Johnson. I’m your tour leader Fang Bing.


111.您有预订号吗?译文:Do you have a booking number?


112.zuoye580.com原创During the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was a financial center of China. It is now renowned for its well-preserved ancient city wall, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 译文:清朝,平遥是中国的中心。该镇以其保存完好的古城墙而闻名,是联合国科教文组织认定的世界文化遗产地。


113.今晚在东坡剧院上演一出很精彩的绍兴越剧,名叫《白蛇传》,不知道你有没有兴趣去看。译文:There will be a wonderful Shaoxing Opera named“Legend of White Snake”in Dongpo Theatre this evening. I’m wondering whether you would be interested in it or not.


114.Hangzhou did not take its present name until 589 AD in Sui Dynasty, which means a land accessible only by boat. 译文:杭州直到隋朝公元589年的时候才取为现名,意思是“只有坐船才能到的陆地”。


115.zuoye580.com原创You can leave your clothes in the laundry bag in your room, madam. Our maid will take care of them and will send it back to your room after it’s ready, madam. 译文: 夫人,您可以把要洗的衣服放在洗衣袋里。我们的客房人员会处理的,洗好后会直接给您送到房间里。


116.酒店所有房间都可以无线上网,并且免费。译文:Wireless Internet is used in all the hotel rooms, and it’s free.


117.龙门有2100多座洞窟,拥有10万多尊塑像。译文:There are more than 2,100 grottoes at Longmen with more than 100,000 statues。


118.zuoye580.com原创您想先来点什么?译文:What would you like to begin with?


119.“上有天堂,下有苏杭。”译文:Above is paradise, and below are Suzhou and Hangzhou.


120.我重复一下好吗?您想要鸡肉面条,西兰花和酸辣汤, 对吗?译文:May I repeat your order now? You would like to take chicken noodles, cauliflower, hot and sour soup, is that right?




